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Someone requested a chapter from the Mandalorian's point of view. They were really nice asking about it, so here it is. If it sucks I'm sorry 😞 blame them.

Aster is fast asleep. Perhaps it's a blessing that her powers seem to drain her. She seems so peaceful, buried beneath a bundle of quilts. Usually she tosses and turns in her sleep, but tonight she lays completely still, except for the gentle rise and fall of her breathing.

It's a miracle that she can sleep after the day that she's had. First there was this morning. I try to not get annoyed as I picture her sleeping against Caben. I could barely sleep the night before when Caben wrapped her up in his cloak. I told myself it was just because I needed to be vigilant, but I know that's a lie.

We woke up to a cheery village hailing us as their saviors. The children ran around us, laughing and playing. It was impossible to ignore the way Aster's face lit up as she saw all of them.

Then we were shown the barn. It wasn't much, and it still isn't much, but Aster had smiled as if we were sleeping in a deluxe star cruiser. Then Cara and I had to leave to see the raider's camp. I didn't want to leave Aster alone, but she seemed happy with Caben. And for some reason, I hated that.

I hated the way she followed Caben so willingly, so happily. I have spent weeks protecting her and providing for her only for her to chase after the first man she sees. But I can't bring myself to be mad at her.

I'm not sure what Aster did while I was gone investigating the raiders. All I know is she spent the time with Caben. And when I came back, she was wearing different clothes and they were standing very close. If I didn't have to tell them about the Walker, I would have reminded Caben right there that Aster is mine.

This afternoon Aster was so determined to learn how to fight. It was endearing to see her so focused. But watching her also scared me. I didn't want her to fight. The idea of Aster fighting for her life scared me in a way I knew it shouldn't. I know I shouldn't feel this way. I am a Mandalorian and she is a slave. It doesn't make sense, why I should feel so strongly about her. But I do.

When I attacked the raider's camp, a part of me hoped that Aster would let fear overcome her and hide with the elders and children. Then I saw her, pistol ready and her eyes burning with determination. She looked like a warrior. And then there was Caben, cowering near her. I was disgusted. He should have been trying to protect her, instead of her protecting him.

I fought next to Aster. I could see the fear in her, yet she followed my directions perfectly. It was Caben who ruined everything. If it wasn't for him, I could have spared Aster the bloodshed.

Then she used her magic, her powers, and as always I was mesmerized. Whatever Aster is, she's a lot more powerful than what she realizes. She saved an entire village in one moment.

It seems cruel that after the fight, after everything that she did for them, Caben turned on Aster. I didn't think he would even be smart enough to realize that she was the cause of the Walker's movements. Somehow he did notice, and instead of praising Aster as his savior, Caben decided to nearly kill her.

My heart nearly stopped when I saw Aster cowering in fear as Caben raised a gun at her. I nearly killed him right there, but I forced myself to remain calm.

I believe Caben is convinced that Aster is not a witch. However, I will be keeping a very close eye on him. That's why I can't sleep now. I hear every slight sound. Anything might be him.

I hate that a small part of me is glad that Caben ruined things between him and Aster. It's horrible to think. He almost killed her, and I'm happy about it. Not because I want to see Aster hurt, but because it killed me to see her with him.

I wish I could bring Aster closer. For protection, of course. Anything to keep her safe.

Aster has been unusually quiet. She stays near me, closer than normal. Usually being near her would be something that would cause me to secretly rejoice, but I hate seeing her suffer.

I've been nicer to her lately. I wonder if Aster notices. Usually I try my best to be callused around her. I know my feelings for Aster are not good. It would go against the code if I acted upon them.

It's been two days since the incident with the raiders. The villagers still praise me as if I'm a god. It's really Aster that they should be praising. If any of us is a god, it's her.

Today Aster is wearing a soft gray dress. Not that it's important. Her hair is tied up, with a few loose curls framing her face and escaping down her back. She smiles at the villagers and children, but I know it's fake. I know she stays awake at night. I know the way she tosses fitfully when she finally does sleep.

"Aster!" My head jerks up as I hear a familiar voice call her name. It's Caben.

Aster shrinks as she sees him approach. I cross my arms over my chest. Whatever he wants, it can't be good.

Caben casts be a hesitant look before approaching. He takes a step forward. Caben's eyes rake up and down Aster's body hungrily. I'm disgusted by him.

"I wanted to apologize. I know there's not exactly the right words to say to fix things, but I was wondering if you would want to eat dinner with me tonight?" Caben phrases it as a question.

Aster shrinks away even more. The fear is easily readable on her face, but of course that's not where Caben is looking.

"She will not be joining you. I'm afraid Aster is busy tonight." I make my words cold and harsh. Caben seems startled by them. Why would he think asking Aster to dinner would work at all?

"What about tomorrow?" He's still looking at her like she's a meal and he's starving.

"You want me to let you eat dinner with my slave that you nearly killed? I'm aware of how stupid you are, but please try to think."

"I didn't mean," I pull Aster away before Caben can finish.

"Where are we going?" She whispers to me as I pull her past the barn and toward the edge of the forest.

"I thought a walk might be refreshing after dealing with him." It also keeps her safe from prying eyes. Aster is shaking and tears fill her eyes. We've finally gotten the village somewhat settled down. We don't need to cause anymore scenes.

"Thank you." Aster wipes furiously at her eyes. "I should have told him no myself but I just froze."

"It's fine. I didn't feel like rushing you to a medic."

Aster laughs. It's a beautiful sound. I hate the way it makes my heart flutter as if I'm some little schoolgirl.

"It's really pretty out here. Can we actually go for a walk?" I can't say no to her. I begrudgingly hold out my hand. Aster happily takes it.

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