Chapter 1

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This story will be a crossover between an AU of Naruto that I'm currently playing D&D with friends, and the Naruto anime. I do not own Naruto or any of it's characters. I do own my characters and everything else from the D&D AU Naruto. Some of the characters may be OOC or out of character, and I apologize in advance. Now that I've gotten all of the disclaimers out of the way, please enjoy!

Please don't ask me for updates.

Words couldn't describe as to how Makoto Hyuga felt when she first saw him. It could have been how others looked at him or how others reacted to him. Or it could have been when he stared down on the people as they came rushing towards him with weapons and the intention to hurt or kill him. It could have been how he killed everyone that came his way thinking that they would somehow survive an encounter with him. But if there was one thing Makoto knew for sure, it was that he was the fluffiest thing she had ever seen that killed people just as well as she did.

Makoto was somehow drawn to the giant angry fox that stomped on the stupid humans whether or not they were shinobi under his giant paws. His eyes held a story that she had wanted to hear. And with how the other humans were reacting to him made her think that he just wanted to pass through lands peacefully. That he had just wanted to live his life as a giant fox without annoying humans coming from left and right to pester him and dirty his massive paws.

Then he turned and looked at her.

Makoto froze as she peered into the eyes of the giant fox. His eyes were the most beautiful shade of red, it almost matched her hair. Though she knew that if it came down to color alone, his shade of red was prettier than her own. He snarled in her direction, as though he were challenging her to attack him and to face her swift demise. Makoto didn't know what to do as her white eyes stared into his angry red ones. All she could manage to blurt out was a panicked "You have pretty eyes."

The nine tailed fox stopped in it's tracks and peered down at her bewildered. From what Makoto could tell he was trying to determine if she was a threat. When he noticed that she hadn't made any sudden movements or tried to pull out a weapon, he answered her. "You are a strange one. Many run in fear or try to fight me."

"And they get crushed under your giant paws." Makoto said as she motioned with her hands as she continued to speak. "It must be hard being a giant fox. All you want to do is live peacefully and people force you off of the lands. That's really rude."

The giant fox continued to peer down at her and chuckled at her. "Humans are great pests."

Makoto nodded her head in agreement. "Humans suck. Especially bandits. They are always stealing something from somewhere." As Makoto was talking, another hoard of humans came charging at the giant angry fox, or GAF for short. He turned and shot huge blasts from his mouth at the hoards of humans and watched as they all practically disintegrated.

"So fluffy..." Makoto muttered to herself as she made little whining noises in the back of her throat as she wanted to touch his fur, but didn't endure the wrath of the GAF. Especially since he seemed to at least tolerate her for the time being.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Feb 23, 2021 ⏰

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