Chapter XIV

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The soil swished around in the small river gently , turning the water a murky brown. Her toes curled into the ground as the cool water washed against her ankles. Her trousers were rolled up and they rested just underneath her knees so they couldn't get wet. The river flowed in one direction in a gentle manner, slowly pushing the living things that lived there down stream; calm and slow paced. The grip had tightened on the bow she was holding and she pulled the arrow back on the string; her electric blue eyes trained on the shimmering scales of a fish. Her eyes watched the movement of it, the current steadily carrying it down stream as the fish swum against it with all its might . Korra took a heavy breath in and guided her bow in the direction of the fish, on her exhale she let go of the string.

The arrow flew into the water quickly and impaled the fish without any struggle , making it stop dead and float to the surface. Before the current could wash it away, Korra reached into the water and pulled out her dinner by the arrow and tossed it to the dry land behind her.

Korra had made an abnormal recovery over her two week stay with Katara. The wounds that she had would've took anyone at least a month or two but not for her, she was already running about; hunting. Korra herself knew that it was quite strange that she had recovered so fast, though Katara's recovery procedures weren't nice at all. It consisted of vile tasting fluids and foods that made her stomach unwell most of the time, she hated it with a passion. But on the other hand, it worked like magic. Her lower back was still raw and healing over, no pain was felt though. As for the bullet mark, it had healed nicely into wrinkled scars on both sides of her shoulder.
"That was excellent."

Korra twisted her body to meet Jinora's gaze. She smiled at the girl as she took out another arrow from her quiver.
"Hey Jinora." She greeted. The two had become reasonably close since her stay with Katara. If it wasn't for Jinora, Korra would've been taking the long route of her recovery ; which was simply waiting for her wounds to heal painfully slow . Jinora had helped her through it, pushed her at times when she felt like she was crumbling. Korra was thankful of her for that, she even considered her as a friend. Their relationship was definitely not like the one she had with Kuvira, that was completely different. She felt like her new friend was more understanding . When Korra had explained her reason behind the murder she attempted on Mr Sato, Jinora understood where she was coming from. However, her eyes didn't believe that Hiroshi would do such a thing. Alas, they put that behind them for the time being.

"Where did you learn to shoot like that?" Jinora asked, leaning against the bark of a tree as she watched Korra's concentrated stance .

"My mother and father taught me." Korra responded, her eyes searching for the shimmer of scales like last time.
"Well, my mother mostly."

The smaller girl winced slightly as Korra released the string of her bow, sending another arrow flying into an unfortunate fish.
"Well, you're really good."

"Thank you." She replied, tossing her new catch to the dry land again. She remembered when her mother said that to her once.

"I came by to tell you that my father accepted my request." Jinora explained, unfolding the letter she had recieved moments ago to read it again.
"I can stay here for another week."

"You don't have to stay here if you don't want to." Korra explained, pulling the string back on her bow again.
"I understand that you have a family back in town."

"But I want to stay." Jinora replied.

Korra released the string again, impaling another fish. Dinner was served.
"You'll have to go back at some point. You know that right?"  She took the fish in her hand and stepped out of the lake, unrolling her trousers in the process.

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