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"Why do they want me alive? All they have to do is kill me and they wouldn't have to deal with anything,
I know dream only kissed me and caressed me because he wants information out of felt so...good... it was addicting
I wanted him to touch me so heart felt like it was going to burst
Hmm, if information is what he wants, then two can play at that game"

A door suddenly swung open with force as sapnap came in the room

"What do you?-" george was cut off, sapnap raised a gun and pointed it directly at george
The brunet looked at him with semi widened eyes, but then closed them accepting whatever was going to happen next

"We should've killed you from the beginning!" Sapnap shouted, trembling as he held the gun in his hand, gritting his teeth

George opened his eyes and looked directly at sapnap
Sapnaps eyes widened as he suddenly saw...a familiar face flash in his mind
A brown curly haired male, a bright smile spread across his face, blue eyes shining in the sunlight, he wore a purple hoodie


Sapnap shook his head, looked away, and looked back at george...


The sound echoed the room as the room vibrated and pieces of wall scattered on the floor, George looked beside him noticing the bullet had passed his head and hit the wall behind him, leaving nothing but a hole in the wall

George looked back at sapnap who was trembling even more, tears streaming down his cheeks as he dropped the pistol to the ground

Dream walked up behind sapnap wearing his mask and laid his hand on his friends shoulder
"You missed" dream said in a low voice

Sapnap turned and ran out of the room
Dream looked at george and noticed the bundle of foil on the tray sapnap had brought in

"You should eat, it's a turkey sub sandwich" dream said to george as he bent down and grabbed the gun  from the floor and left the room, closing the door behind him slowly


Sapnap was running, tears streaming down his face, he slowed down as he pushed his hand against the wall,
He huffed out of breath

"Nick?..." said dream as he walked up behind him

Sapnap turned to him as he tried to wipe the tears from his face but was unable too

"I knew you couldn't kill him...he reminds you of karl? Doesn't he?" Dream said as he looked down

"The look of acceptance on georges face, he knew he was going to die but didn't do anything! Just like him!" Sapnap sobbed into his hands as dream walked behind him and hugged him from behind

Dream stroked his friends black hair, feeling him tremble
"What happened to him wasn't your fault nick, he was just at the wrong place at the wrong time"dream said as he rested his chin on his friends head, still hugging him

"'s because "I" was at the wrong place to begin with that he's dead"
Sapnap sobbed as he buried his face into his arms


Dream walked into the room george was in, the brunet sitting there soundly sleeping

The dirty blonde walked over to him, and observed the brunet
He lifted his hand and touched his cheek, gently rubbing his thumb against his soft cheek

"I know i'm cute, but not that cute"
George slowly opened his eyes as dream took his hand away

"You were awake" said dream in a soft tone, george looked up at him with a blank expression

"Are you going to kill me or not?..." he said with a slight tremble in his voice

Dream paused as just looked at George
The brunet stared back at him, not moving or breaking eye contact at all

Dream then broke the silence "It's no fun when your victim actually wants to die ya know..."

George looked away, "I've already offered to give you information, you refused, you just want an excuse to torture me and get rid of me"

"Why are you so okay with just giving out government information? Like anyone would say no and just keep the secrets? But you? You're just WILLING to give it to us" said dream in a confused tone

George sighed and then looked at the door in front of him
"The government isn't exactly my favorite people to be around, all they care about is power and control and rules, my best friend who was the president before me techno, was the complete opposite, he wanted to help people, he wanted everyone to just be free and be themselves, he went missing a couple years back, no one could find him...he left me a note saying where he was but i could never find the right location without everyone on my back, especially wilbur"
George said

Dream scratched the back of his neck and george continued

"I became president, because i'm the only one who knows his location and they tried bribing me but i never cracked, you don't like any government forces, i'm on that same boat, i don't care if i give out information because either way it's not like anyone liked me or trusted me to begin with" george said looking down at his hands

The dirty blonde rested his arms on Georges bed as he spoke
"Then why were you so okay with me kissing you and touching you?" He said in a deep soft tone

George felt himself blush at the question, he slowly looked up at dream and bit his thumb out of nervousness

"I...don't know, but it felt...good~" he mumbled as he looked at his kidnapper

"Just a few hours ago, you were trying to commit suicide and now you're seducing me?~" dream said as he sat up a bit resting his elbows on his knees

George looked at him

"Just a few hours ago, your tongue was marking my throat....Are you complaining?~" george says in a low but quivering voice

"Hmmmm~, he's fighting fire with fire, i'll play the game...first one to crack? Wins" dream thought

Dream stood up and rested his knee on the bed and bent down in front of george, he lifted his mask up slightly revealing his lips as he lifted georges chin up, he closed the gap between them, placing a kiss onto the brunets lips

George raised his hand and held the back of dreams head, allowing the kiss

"Once you're better, you better hope that i go easy on you" dream said as he broke away from the kiss, a thin string of saliva being the only thing connecting them together

"Are you sure that's what kidnappers do?..." george said innocently as he bit his lip and blushed a deep red

"we'll just have to see now won't we gogy~" dream said pulling his mask back down and leaving the room

The brunet and the dirty blonde both smirked as they were alone with their thoughts playing in their head

"It's over for you"

End of Chapter

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