Chapter 6

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At the Avengers tower

Y/N's POV:

 ("Hello Y/N, how are you doing?"  a mysterious voice said in my head"what's happening" I said "It's life treating you well?" the voice said  "Charles?" I said "Wh, What are you doing-")

... But does she really wanna but can't stand to see me out the door? (ah) Don't try to fight the feeling because the thought alone is killin' me right now (uh)...

"Da da dadadada dadadadad daaa "  I murmured half asleep "Hey ya!" "Hey ya!" I started singing "I just being honest" I keep singing while I stand up and search for my clothes. I kept singing until the song stopped "Ugh what a good bed, I haven't slept that good in ages" I said to myself "good morning means good day and what better than a good day for the first day of work?" I said while looking for the clock, "it's 6:57 am wait what?! ooo no no no no no no, how long have I been asleep aaahh I look for my ipod shit the song has been on repeat for half an hour aaaahh" I screamed to myself "you know that instead of fighting, take a bath and run to the lab, there is no need to eat breakfast, I can just eat a lot of lunch" I said to myself

4 minutes later...

"My boot?" "Where is my boot!?"

5 minutes later...

I entered running the lab and saw Stark and another man working "sorry I was late" I started "I fell asleep and then my boot got lost, and then I got lost looking for the lab and, and, and," I kept talking trying to catch my breath "Hey don't worry it's ok" the man said "I'm Bruce by the way, Bruce Banner" he introduced himself "Y/N Y/L/N"  I introduced myself  

"Y/L/N come here" Stark called "good morning" I said "hello" he mumbled "so, today Bruce and I are going to keep working on an old project while you are going to do me a favour"  Stark started "and what do you want me to do?" I asked Stark "Well, I need new weapons for my suit and as you have experience for that I want you to invent a new one and at the end of the day show it to me and if I like it, I will put it in my suit and besides that I will trust you" Stark said "Ok, what can I use and what can't I use?" I asked "everything except the things from that room" he said "I will start right now"  I said and started looking for materials

 4 hours later...

I was doing my job or maybe a favour, but it was fun whenever I saw something that could be useful for one of my projects I would take it and put it in my pocket. 

I started studying the Iron Man suit and to tell the truth it had a lot of good technology, also I took a lot of notes not only for Stark's favour but also for my personal projects. Then I made several sketches until I found one that satisfied me, so now I was recreating the energy of the suit to put it in the weapon. 

"Y/N" I heard someone say, so I raised my head and saw it was Bruce. "Hey" I responded "I bought some chocolate while I was gone, do you want some?" he asked "hell yeah, I didn't have breakfast, I'm starving" I responded 

We ate some chocolate and then went back to work "What are you doing?" Bruce asked "right now I'm recreating the energy of the suit to put it in the weapon" I said "but I think I'm going to do the weapon first and then this, so I can put everything together at the end" "nice keep working" he said and left 

2 hours later...

Now I was adjusting the last things, so I could start putting together the things that give power but out of nowhere, my hunger came back.

"rmmm Bruce?" I called "yes Y/N?" he responded "Do you know who is doing lunch?" I asked "No I think Tony is going to order at home" he responded "if I am right the group is deciding what to order at this moment in the living room." "Thanks" I said and left to the living room 

 When I walked in I saw a lot of people arguing around the table. "No I want Pizza not Burgers" someone said "No Pizza is for parties" someone else said 

That fight keep for about three minutes until I talk "what about sushi?" they all looked at me "What?" I think Sam said "Yeah you know that thing made with rice, seaweed, raw fish, avocado and many other things." I responded "yes I know what it is" he said "actually I think she's right" red-headed girl said, she started to say why it was a good idea to order sushi, or I think she did that because the only thing I could focus on was her beauty, yeah I know it sounds a bit cheesy, but you have to see her she's beautiful.

 Then, I snapped out of my thoughts and saw that everyone had accepted the sushi idea. 

"Then it's sushi" I screamed and left to the lab

30 minutes later...

"Sushi is here" Steve screamed

"I still don't understand why it took so long for the sushi to arrive" lightning boy said coming to the table "well we are not a small group of people so of course they had to make more" war machine answered we all ate and went back to the things we were doing earlier 

So I was in the lab trying to mix the energy of the suit with the energy from my most recent project, yeah I know 'why would you give someone you just met one of the most powerful energies you have created in your entire life' well I really don't know maybe if I earn Tony Stark's trust he will let me know more about his studies and that will help me a lot in my personal projects and I had to try the energy because it is totally new so yes this could sound selfish, but he has all the money in the world I don't, so it wouldn't be nice to destroy one of my projects.

I was concentrating hard but at the same time I had my ears open in case something interesting happened, and it did, I heard someone ask for me. "Hey Bruce" someone said "Hey Nat" he answered "do you know where Y/N is?" she asked "yeah, right there" he responded 

"Hey you" she called me "What's up?" I answered "not much I just wanted to thank you" she said "for what?" I asked "Well, for the sushi it was wonderful, and also you stopped a fight that could last at least an hour" she responded "No problem beautiful" I said "yeah whatever" she answered and left "damn" I mumbled and started to blush, she didn't fight against the pet name

4 hours later...

I just finished the weapon, well it didn't really look like a weapon, but it was.

"Well Y/L/N, time's up" Stark said "Yeah, I know I just finished" I responded "what did you do?" he asked with a little of curiosity "this" I started "you can incorporate it to the suit, and you handle it by hand it is put in the arm before the wrist as if you want to handle it by voice it would need more time, now what is it, it is a mix of the energy of your suit and one of the most recent energies that I have created in my personal projects, the command is to adjust the force in which you want it to shoot but be careful the lowest it can turn a chicken in less than 8 seconds and if you want to put it in different forms like laser and more you do it by the second command and if the command is digital not with buttons."

"Well it sounds good let's try it" he said he put on the Iron Man suit and then put my project on his arm, he pointed to where I told him and fired, in less than 5 seconds there was nowhere left to aim, after playing a little with my work he looked at me and held out his hand, I gratefully shook it, and he said "see you tomorrow to incorporate it into the suit" "Now go to rest" "yes sir or can I say Mr. Stark?" I asked "yes" "ok, bye Mr. Stark, bye Bruce see ya tomorrow" I said and left 

"I like that kid" Bruce said and left behind me living Mr. Stark alone


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