Dinner Guest

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(one week later)

There was a soft click from the front door unlocking. Spencer didn't bat an eye as his second roommate walked in.

"Hey Spence." He couldn't help the little chuckle that came out. He wasn't sure when Ryan snagged one of their keys, but even after this long it still amused him how natural Ryan was at their place. Spencer kept his attention on the pot of sauce in front of him, adding some parsley before going back to stirring it.

"Smells good. What are you making?"

"Chicken parmesan."

"Special occasion?" Spencer's hand froze before he put the spoon down and turned to Ryan. The man rose his eyebrows and smirked. "It is, isn't it?" Spencer took a deep breath.

"Linda's coming tonight." Ryan's eyes went wide and his mouth dropped open.

"You serious?" Ryan worked to contain his excitement. Since Spencer first told him about his girlfriend, he would talk nonstop about her. Ryan was happy for him and was thrilled to meet the woman that's been able to maintain Spencer's smile. Being able to listen about their relationships allowed the two men to get closer as friends. Spencer scratched the back of his head and nodded with a shy smile.

"Dude that's awesome. I can't wait to meet her." Spencer let out a quick sigh, releasing some of his nerves that have been brewing inside him. He'd told Ryan about his worried about this meeting and with plenty of encouragement from his friend's boyfriend, Spencer finally decided it was time. "When's she gonna be here?"

"I don't know, ten minutes maybe?" Ryan giggled, ready to see this mystery girl. His smile slipped as he turned to look at the dinner table. He turned back to Spencer with a worried look sitting on his face.

"How are we gonna..." They were silent for a moment. This hadn't been a problem before because dinner wasn't this important.

"We could do it in the room," Spencer suggested. "It'll put that little bed table to good use." Ryan signed and chewed on his lower lip for a second.

"He hates that thing." Yeah, this was never a problem when Brendon could at least walk. Now, he could barely manage standing up for a few second by himself. He's been forced to spend most of the time confined in the four walls of his room. There were times when Spencer or Ryan would go into his room and find him sitting up but those times also involved Brendon looking beyond pale and trembling from exerting himself.

The price to pay for simply sitting up was getting to be to great for Brendon. With help, he'd be able to sit up and be fine for longer, his body being conformable with the support. It was almost as if he were a baby again, needing help for things that were simple to Ryan and Spencer.

"It's fine. We'll figure it out," Ryan concluded in hopes that this wouldn't make Spencer more nervous. Spencer had to trust Ryan's word but it was validating to know Ryan has been handling Brendon's situation well enough.

Soon enough, there was a knock at the door and Ryan raced to open it until Spencer shoved him out of the way. The two fought for who got to welcome the guest first, ending with Spencer doing the honors with a professional neurosurgeon on his back trying to put him in a chokehold.

"So that's what all that ruckus was," Linda joked when the door swung open. Ryan jumped back to the floor and pushed passed Spencer. He took Linda's hand and kissed the top of it.

"Dr. Ryan Ross. It's a pleasure to meet you." Spencer yanked him back by the collar of his shirt.

"Get your hands off her and say hello to your own boyfriend." Ryan laughed and nodded at Linda.

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