Chapter Three

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Just down the road Louis walked home in the opposite direction. He passed the bakery Harry worked at and smiled. The boy he met was indescribable. When he got to his apartment and walked inside he realized Zayn and Liam weren't there. "No surprise there..." he muttered to himself. Louis slumped into his favorite armchair by the window in their living room, before turning on the television to see if he could find something to watch. 

The apartment was extremely nice. Luckily Zayn's family was kind enough to give the apartment to Zayn. They had a few apartments and were selling them but decided it would be nice for Zayn to have this one. He was still working on paying back his parents what he owed them. The five bedroom, three bathroom was big for the three of them. Almost too big.

 Louis finally found some movie about a high school relationship that the two main characters had been in for six years. Louis wished he and Harry could be in a long relationship like that. As much as Louis loved his life, he was lonely, and dealing with too many things all at once. After the short movie ended, Louis sighed with relief. "That movie was one of the worst I have ever seen!" He complained as he trudged into the kitchen roaming around the cupboards for something to eat. He wasn't the best cook but he could cook a few basic things. 

His mind drifted back to Harry, and he wondered if the curly headed lad could cook. Louis finally decided on a dinner of frozen pizza. He popped it into the oven and sat on one of the stools. He pulled the sleeves of his sweater over his hands, remembering how Harry wrapped his arms around him. Harry smelled sweet, a mixture between strawberry soap and honey. Louis missed him already, hoping that the man would be missing him too. The timer went off pulling Louis out of his thoughts, of all things Harry. Louis put pizza on his plate and made his way upstairs to his room. Louis room was at the end of the long hallway and had a beautiful view. His room was just the perfect size to have a couch full of pillows and blankets, big bookshelf, desk, and his bed. Louis liked the messy space. He sat down on the couch eating his pizza. He pushed the plate aside and fell asleep to dreams of Harry. 

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