Part 4. (We missed you)

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All I know is I was wining. Beating Tory was never something I thought I could do, but now that I am... I know I'm getting my victory this time. The more I won the more I could hear voices outside of the coma. If I keep going I can wake up, I know it's my fault I'm in this situation but I will work to get out of it. Then it happened... I opened my eyes revealing Eli and my friends gathered around my body.

Sam: Guys look! - She almost screamed.

Eli:  Y/n? You're awake! - He gave me a hug. I was still un able to move.

Y/n: I... I can't move? - I replied. They sighed.

Miguel: Let me call sensei Lawrence. - He replied, getting up and dialing my dad's number.

Eli: Guys, can I have a moment with y/n? - He asked, they all nodded and each walked out of the dojo. I looked up at Eli, he smirked and leaned in, he kissed me passionately.  I smiled into the kiss, as did he. We pulled away.

Eli: I missed you... a lot. - He said. I smiled.

Y/n: I'm sorry for shooting myself. - I said. 

Eli: I would hope so. - He chuckled, so did I.

Eli: You know... once you can move and walk... I have some plans for us. - He said with a wink. I felt my stomach flutter. I smiled.

Y/n: Oh boy.. - I sighed. He kissed my neck, I ran my fingers through his hair. He eventually laid his head on my chest, I held his head. Soon the other walked back in with my dad and Robby.

Johnny: Oh good, you're awake. - He said with a smile. 

Robby: How was your coma? - He joked I chuckled. They both bent down beside me.

Johnny: Everyone missed you. - He said in all serious now. I smiled.

Y/n: Who wouldn't? - I asked, jokingly. They all chuckled. Johnny pulled Eli off of me.

Johnny: Your times up little bird. - He said, Eli rolled his eyes. Johnny leaned me up and hugged me, held me tight in his grip.

Johnny: Don't ever do that to me again, promise. - He whispered in my ear. I nodded.

Y/n: Promise. - I replied, we pulled away and I seen him wipe his tears away.

Johnny: Oh God. I look like a pussy. - He chuckled. Everyone laughed. Eli crawled back over to my and held me in his arms. Johnny looked at him and rolled his eyes and chuckled.

Johnny: Retard. - He said. 

Eli: Pfft, Whatever. - He replied and kissed my forehead. 

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