chapter 16 - the war

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After James had witnessed Ember and Remus, he went to walk down the corridor, towards his next class. He knew he was late, since he had followed Ember to make sure she got to her class okay, but the only thing that mattered to him was that Ember was safe. James's thoughts then became plagued with everything about Ember. Her sarcastic comments, the way her smile lit up when she did the spell correctly, and especially when she laughed. It didn't even matter what had her laughing, it was just the fact that her voice made his day ten times better by just hearing it. Despite her melodic voice, what he truly wished was to feel her lips on his, her skin on his, he wanted her heart and he craved it so badly it was sometimes truly heart wrenching that she never gave it to him. 

But he would always love her, and he surely hoped that his friends were still right about giving her time to figure out her feelings. He had noticed her behavior towards him had changed over the past 3 months. It was almost Christmas Break, and he hoped that this year she might actually accept his invitation. He planned on asking her after supper in the great hall. His heart jumped as he thought about Ember sleeping in his clothes, at his house, in his bed. He walked into Potions, taking his seat next to Marlene McKinnon.

Slughorn drawled on about some potion, but none of the class was listening. It was a Friday, and the last class before the weekend. Slughorn noticed this and stopped 'drawling on' about the pepperup potion. "Okay class, I think you can make the pepperup potion on your own, dismissed!" Everyone's heads shot up at the fact they were being released so early and began to quickly stuff items into their bags. Marlene and James were the first ones to leave, seeing as they both had better things to do. Unfortunately, Ember was involved in both of their schemes, somehow starting an argument about who loved her more.

"Potter shut up I love her more!" "You're wrong McKinnon I love my dear Firebird more." Marlene and James were both very stubborn people, and this wouldn't end until someone was dead or forcefully removed or...

"Potter, Mar, what in the bloody hell are you shouting for? I have a raging headache from crying so much, so for the love of merlin shut it arseholes or god help me i will rip out your vocal chords." Neither of them had never seen Ember so mad before, their mouths were dropped open, and regret instantly sunk through them her obvious pain. 

They stared at the girl, watching her intently as they saw her eyes fluttering slightly. James looked closer and saw her start to wobble. His eyes went wide and he rushed over, cradling Ember just as she fell unconscious. Her body went limp, and James started to panic. His thoughts went from happy to scared out of his mind in a millisecond.

'Is this how it would feel if Ember died in my arms? Is this how the war will be? Will I lose Ember to Snivellous? Will I lose to her to he who must not be named? No.No I will protect the love of my life. I will protect her until my last breath' 

As his thought swarming with horrible thoughts, his breath began to shorten, and he felt like his lungs were collapsing. Tears gathered in his eyes as his knees gave out, sending him, along with an unconscious Ember, tumbling into the carpeted floor. He felt her dull pulse, yet it didn't comfort him in the way it should've. Breathing harshly, he put his head onto Ember's gut. Resting it there, hoping her scent and natural warmth would calm him. He began to sob uncontrollably as his mind went back to death and the war ahead of them.

A number of footsteps rushed towards Ember and James. Sirius, Remus, and Peter all rushed towards the fallen pair, kneeling next to him. Marlene, Alice, and Lily tried to pry Ember out of his hands. He refused to let go and gained a death grip on the girl. The girls eventually gave up, and tried to help James.

Sirius spoke first, "Prongs, hey. Hey look at me. I need you to take a deep breath okay?" James shakily lifted his head from Ember, and looking into the stormy eyes of his best friend. He tried to take a deep breath, but realized he could breathe and he began to hyperventilate. Remus decided to step in, putting his hand on James's shoulder, "James I need you to tell me 5 things you see." James picked his head up slowly to look around before speaking, "Painting, u-uh, red, th-the carpet, you, e-ember." James almost broke again at the sound of her name but before he could Peter spoke, "Now 4 things you can touch" James breathing soothed a small bit, "jumper, s-snitch, tie, a-and e-ember." James breathing was going back to a normal pace after he realized Ember was still with him. Sirius spoke to calm the last of his anxiousness, "Now 3 things you can hear" James stopped to listen, "The w-wind, footsteps, a-and ember's b-breathing." James had a small smile grew on his face as he continued to realize Ember was her, alive. Remus spoke up again, rubbing his hand on James shoulder, "Now two things you can smell." James let out a chuckle, "Wet dog and Ember's Perfume." The rest of the group chuckled along with him as Lily knelt down to ask him one final thing, "Potter, what is one thing you can taste?" 

His brows furrowed in confusion, he couldn't taste anything. Nothing came to him. He sat there for a good 30 seconds, wondering how he could possibly taste something. 'He wasn't even eating. Maybe I should get up and eat something' He tried to stand up but felt a weight on his legs, he looked down and saw Ember. Her red hair had faded from the last time she had colored it. He pushed it out of her face, fondly looking down at her. He saw her lips, painted perfectly red. He knew he was about to ruin everything he had worked for over the past few months. But he also knew everything would be worth it. Even if she hated his guts, it's not like he hasn't gone through that before. He leaned down, imagining everything he had with her, everything he could never have now after this. 

James Fleamont Potter kissed Ember Ivory Holland.

a/n - holy shit.

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