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At first all she saw was darkness.

It offered a bleak outlook on the future too her emotionless heart

She felt no happiness, fear, nor warmth.

The only thing she felt was ice.

The chills throughout her stayed long enough she was used to the cold, long enough that she almost didn't notice they were there.

Years could have passed and she would've had no recollection.

But than came the light, and as if a fire was set off in her she jolted back, it was as if she was floating. Her memories resurfaced, and her emotions chanted at the back of her mind, every little thought she'd ignored was pressing at the core of her heart.

They zoomed in and out, all around her mind stabbing at her heart, influencing her sight, her warmth, until she was floating no more.

Now she was falling,


Deep into the darkness she'd only just gotten away from. Far away from where any light touched.

Too far.

And suddenly she couldn't breathe, the air sucked out of her as she gasped for breath, but none would come as she sputtered out. None would come as she felt her heart stop beating.

And that's when it all stopped.

As if nothing was ever there.

No hope. No peace.

No fear.


Until a voice consumed her every thought, awakening every emotion she'd ever lost.

It's time.

The voice felt familiar, almost like her own. But... different somehow.


It's time.

It's time to go.

The words repeated over and over in her head, begging her too give up, to let go, to fall deeper into the darkness till she couldn't come back. Till she couldn't hold on any longer.

But something kept her alive,

She'd never know what it was,

It could have been Ella for all she knew,

Her lone reminder of her parents.

Or it could have been Keefe, the constant smiles that he brought too her lips.

The one she...

But in truth, it could've been all these things. But now she was never too know.

A sweet scent filled her mind as the voice carried on,

After Unlocked, a sokeefe Fanfiction.Where stories live. Discover now