Hurt - Karube X Male! Reader

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Summary: Karube and Y/N get into a fight which accidentally gets a bit physical.

*Karube's POV*

"Okay we need to talk about what happened this morning." Y/N gave me a confused look. "What do you mean?" "What do I mean?

I mean, we can't just go out one night only you to disappear and just now reappear this morning! And you didn't even think that I wouldn't be worried! Where were you?! Tell me where the hell you were!"

I noticed Y/N wouldn't look me in the eye. He was just fiddling with his hands. He also kept shifting his weight from one foot to the other.

"I was with a friend." I scoffed, "That's bullshit Y/N and you know it! I'll ask you again, where were you?" "I don't want to talk about it Karube. I just want to go to sleep." I sighed as he massaged his forehead.

Y/N started to walk away, but I grabbed his wrist. "You're not going anywhere until you tell me where you were."

My boyfriend ripped his arm away from me then turned to me and yelled, "Why the hell do you fucking care?! Can't you see that I'm tired and I already told you that I didn't want to fucking talk about it!"

"I just wanted to make sure th-!" I was cut off by the sound of a slap ringing through the entire room.

My cheek stung. I looked down at Y/N who had his hand raised and on the verge of tears.

"K-Karube I didn't mean to. I-I'm so sorry. Let me look at it. I'll get some ice." "Y/N just stop." I walked past Y/N and headed for the door.

"Where are you going?" I let out a long sigh as I fished my apartment keys out of my pocket "I'm going out for a bit."

"How long is a bit?" "I don't know. Don't fucking wait up for me." With that I slammed the front door behind me and headed downstairs.

I sat outside for a minute in hopes that my boyfriend would come running out to get me. I didn't want to leave him alone in the apartment at the moment.

But I couldn't just walk right back in. I decided that I'd go on a 20 minute walk then come back. I walked off in some random direction.

*Y/N's POV*

And just like that he was gone. I didn't know how long he'd be gone for. I still couldn't believe what I'd done.

I looked down at my hands. They looked dirty, but I could never wash said dirt off. It made me feel sick.

I wanted to vomit. I had laid a hand on the man that I loved. He was going to leave me. I was going to be alone again.

I pulled my knees into my chest and buried my face into them. "Why am I so stupid? Why couldn't I just have given him a fucking answer? Why did I have to be so god damn stubborn?"

I felt like such an idiot. What happened was that I had ended up spending the night at Arisu's place because I lost Karube at the bar we went to last night.

Arisu just so happened to be there with Chota and offered to let me stay with him for the night. He dropped me off this morning because I was sober enough to tell him my address.

And here we are now. I hit my boyfriend and he stormed out. I wanted to say that I was sorry. Honestly, I just wanted to roll up in a ball and die.

*Time skip, Karube's POV*

I slowly unlocked the door to the apartment and slid inside. It was about two in morning so Y/N should be asleep.

I walked into the small living room and I was just about to turn on the TV when I heard a small cry.

"Please don't go." I looked down and there fast asleep on the couch was Y/N. He was hugging one of the couch pillows tightly and a few stray tears littered his face. "Ple..." I bent down to his level so I could see him better. I gently stroked his cheek.

He hummed quietly under my touch. "Baby, I'm not going anywhere I would never. I never want to be apart from you." I whispered to him.

I watched quietly as my lover slept. He looked so cute, no denying it. I glanced at the clock on the wall. It was 2:10 AM now.

I looked back at Y/N and whispered to him, "Come on Y/N, it's late." I carefully picked Y/N up off the couch and carried him to our room.

Once I tucked him in I crawled into bed next to him. The bed seemed a bit cold. I felt a cold shiver run through my entire body.

I kind of wish Y/N was awake, that way we could cuddle to keep each other warm. I closed my eyes and sighed. "I love you so fucking much Y/N."

Suddenly I felt two arms wrap themselves around me. "I love you too, you weird dork." I turned so that I was facing Y/N and engulfed him in a giant hug.


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