Thirty One

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"I used to think in losing things, I'd lose a part of me too, that slowly I'd become someone my heart no longer knew. Then one day something happened, I dropped what I had once held dear, but my soul became much lighter, instead of filled with fear.

And it taught my heart that some things aren't meant to last for long, they arrive to teach you lessons, and the continue on. You don't have to cling to people, who no longer make you smile, or do something you've come to hate if it isn't worth your while. That sometimes the thing you're fighting for, isn't worth the cost, and not everything you ever lose is bound to be a loss."


"Morning," I grumbled, stumbling out of the bedroom into the open plan cabin. A yawn forced it's way out as I rubbed at my bleary eyes, sleep still heavy in my movements.

Across the room sat the two enforcers — Zahra and Taron, as Thane called them yesterday — both seeming just as tired as they hunched over their morning coffees. Thane had told me a little more about them both the previous night but I had still yet to speak to them properly since I first met them after the mountain lion attack. Taron grunted a greeting towards me, head resting heavily against one hand, and Zahra offered me a smile.

I had awoken much earlier than usual this morning, four-thirty instead of the usual six am, and I was feeling terribly groggy as a result. Thane was still sleeping. He'd looked so achingly handsome with his face half turned into his pillow, dark hair flopped against his forehead and a peaceful expression. It had been difficult to drag myself away, but I hadn't wanted to wake him up, the more rest he got the quicker he would heal.

Honestly, I had almost forgotten about the two enforcers that were residing with us. Thankfully the trainees were amongst their official pack members for the mating rotation, I didn't want to see anyone else right now. Too much had happened between Jack, Thane and me. I didn't have the patience for much more.

"You're both up early." I eyed the two enforcers as I headed to the simple kitchen to make myself a hot drink.

"Tell me about it," Taron groaned, taking a long drink. "I hate travelling to the other packs."

Was it a rule that they had to wake up early when they travelled to the other packs? Zahra caught my arched eyebrow and explained, "Harris isn't always the most trusting male. We don't sleep easy when in other territories. We need to be alert. And after what happened yesterday -"

"What a fucking shit show," Taron interrupted.

"After what happened yesterday," Zahra rolled her eyes, "We're not going to risk it."

"Alpha Athen wouldn't attack, he'd have to be a fool," I said, shaking my head. I knew without doubt the only reason Jack had survived was because of my interference. He wouldn't risk such another humiliation defeat.

"A fool in love," Taron added, still looking half asleep with their eyes half shut. I flinched at their words. Zahra hit the wolf on the shoulder, startling them awake, shooting them a pointed look.

Jack had certainly acted based only on his feelings for me and nothing else. It wasn't my fault. His actions were his own, his feeling his own when I had made mine so apparent. And yet a twinge of guilt pulled at me anyway.

"He still asleep?" Zahra nodded behind me, as I kept my head down and poured myself a cup of tea.

"No." The sound of Thane's voice startled me enough that I nearly dropped the mug I was holding. I hadn't even heard him wake.

All three of us stiffened in his unexpected company, and I saw all trace of sleep leach from Taron's composure.

"Alpha," they addressed, stiffening and surging to their feet. Beside them Zahra followed suit, standing to attention and waiting dutifully for a command from her Alpha.

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