17. Crap Meter Rising

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Lee Hyunjin was laying on the lake shore, staring up at the clear blue sky. Qin Yu was roasting fish not too far from where he was. The only sound was that of the fish sizzling over the fire and the thunderous water striking the surface beneath it.

The wind blew softly, rustling the leaves of the numerous trees that acted like a curtain, hiding the lake and what was beyond it.

"Hyunjin," Qin Yu called for him.

Lee Hyunjin sat up, the dirt clinging to him fell off, leaving the pristine white robe as clean as always. He walked over to Qin Yu and sat down again opposite him.

"Fish is ready, you should take some for Min."

"I'll take it later, if I go while she's awake she'll chase me out."

Qin Yu just rolled his eyes.

Maybe you've already guessed it but if you haven't... landlady Min had evicted Qin Yu and Lee Hyunjin from the starry cave.

According to the words of his pretty teacher (and his own father as well). Some women can became hostile when they are pregnant and also they became violent, more so during labour. Min had helped him affirm this notion when she ruthlessly chased both of them out of the cave after finally waking up.

Lee Hyunjin was surprised and actually blamed Qin Yu, after all, Qin Yu had activated his crap attracting ability by calling him a lucky person the other day then soon after he got evicted, wasn't it obvious who was to blame?

Still Qin Yu was evicted as well so he felt it was partially his fault since his great ability could sometimes spread to others if they stayed close to him for a while.

Currently, they were living on the shore of the lake. It wasn't the rainy season so they didn't bother with building a shelter and Qin Yu (after explaining to curious Lee Hyunjin over and over what they were) set up Spirit runes that would not only protect them but warn them of danger. He even set up some that would ward off weaker animals.

Of course Lee Hyunjin was still absolutely terrified to the point that his ruined leg even felt painful but he didn't complain, Qin Yu had already done so much so he would just shut up and endure instead of troubling others.

Besides Min and the comfort of the starry cave, another thing Lee Hyunjin missed was being unable to understand Qin Yu.

At first he was elated about them being able to speak to each other but soon after he also heavily missed being ignorant.

Lee Hyunjin knew that Qin Yu would scold him and Min many times but it didn't affect him much since he didn't understand but now, each and every one of Qin Yu's words were like a carefully honed blade.

Qin Yu possessesed a deadly sharp tongue and more often than not Lee Hyunjin was at his mercy especially now that Min wasn't there to growl and shut him up.

Thinking about how he would be scolded if the food got cold, Lee Hyunjin silently took a bite out of the roasted fish. He glanced towards the water fall before asking, "Yu, how long do you think it'll take?"

Qin Yu briefly looked at him with pursed lips, he sighed after a while and said, "they should've already been born by now, it's just that she won't let anyone near them. Beasts like her are very protective of their young in the first few weeks."

Lee Hyunjin frowned, that meant he still won't get to see her or the children anytime soon.

They ate in silence for a while before Lee Hyunjin had the urge to speak again, "Yu..."

"How many time do I have to say not to call me that?" Qin Yu asked with a threatening tone.

"Ah... we've been living together for a while, you're like my brother you know. Besides you also call me Hyunjin," Lee Hyunjin grinned proudly, having made a sensible argument.

Legendary-Tier Crap [𝚁𝙴-𝚆𝚁𝙸𝚃𝙸𝙽𝙶]Where stories live. Discover now