Chapter 15

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((bye that picture gives me nightmares))

"So, how's yalls food?" I asked while chewing. Armin smiled and gave me a thumbs up as he sipped his lemonade.

"C'mon, (Y/N)!" Jean complained, closing his eyes. "Don't tell me you're turning into Sasha! Table manners, man..."

I rolled my eyes and opened my mouth wide, flashing him all the food I had in there. He let out a deep sigh, and turned to Armin to get some backup....but Armin did the same thing I just did to him.

"Wow, Armin. You meet one girl, and you change your whole life for her." Jean joked as he took a bite of his BLT.

Armin swallowed his food. "So, uh...(Y/N)...Floch wasn't hitting on you, was he?" He tilted his head, eyes seemingly a bit narrowed in thought. He was clearly a bit ticked off at the prospect.

"God, no! He didn't!" I cut him off abruptly, waving my hand.

His eyes began to shine, like a little sliver of hope was put into him.


((s3 spoilers))

"Hey, are you a witch?" Sasha asked me as she leaned over the couch. I was currently making the two of us dinner, our schedule has me cooking on the days I don't have afternoon classes.

I stopped and turned slightly to face her, giving her a curious look and shaking my head.

"No, not that I know of. Why?"

I resumed my cooking, pouring water into the glass measuring cup.

"Weeellllll..." Sasha rested her cheek on her left hand, placing the other on the top of the couch, still leaning over it. "Ever since I met you I've been getting freaky nightmares of everyone like...dying. Even me!"

I dropped the cup out of shock but quickly caught it before anything could spill or break.

"Looks like do too, huh (N/N)?"

I nodded, setting the measuring cup on the counter and placing a hand over my heart.

"Honestly Sasha I just wanna know how you can be all nonchalant about all that!" I shook my head and poured the water into a hot pan on the stove. "I mean it's death! Our friends deaths, to be specific..."

"It's not my fault! I can't even control anything— but you..." She froze. "Nevermind."

I stopped what u was doing, her words having piqued my interest. I turned partially, just enough to see and make eye-contact with the brunette.

She looked like she was about to cry.

"Sasha, tell me." I demanded, feeling a put begin to grow in my stomach.

"No, I-I died, (N/N). You fucking died."

I turned my gaze to the floor, shaking my head.


"I don't know!" She buried her face in her hands, weeping. "It was rocks or something...Levi was so cold after you died. He said it"

"Who the hell is Levi?!"

"I don't know! All I know is that some giant monkey killed you and all the new recruits, even some commander that...oh. Oh my."

She moved her hands away from her face as her eyes widened.

"Mr. Smith got you killed. He died with you all."

The room got cold, and everything disappeared right infront of me. Even Sasha was gone.

There I was again, in those damn uniforms. A bunch of young men and women were cowering behind a house with me, endless rocks being thrown our way.

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