Chapter 15 - The Truth Will Out

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As you step through the doors into Loki's quarters, you immediately notice a draft coming from your right.

The balcony doors, previously bolted shut and sealed by Asgardian magic, have been opened - likely a result of Loki's full binding. A cool, early-morning breeze tumbles through, rustling the curtains. They billow in subtle, swirling layers of cream linen and lace, obscuring your view outside.

But you have a feeling Loki stands beyond them.

Tightening your grip on the medkit, you take a few hesitant steps to peer out, and see if you're right. Your heart stumbles when you spot him. Raven locks tumble gracefully down his back as the long leather flaps of his coat flutter around his knees.

But your relief in seeing him returned to the tower quickly heats to simmering anger. A sudden desire to drive your unharmed hand through his angled jaw turns your grip on the medkit white-knuckled.

Calm down, you order yourself. I still have a job to do.

You stand in silence a moment longer, simply observing how the younger god watches the sunrise and admiring how his lean figure is so elegantly silhouetted against the horizon. You wonder how far away he had gotten. How far he had managed to chase that golden sun before Thor caught him.

"Not far enough."

Your stomach lurches as you realize Loki lingers in your thoughts. But before you can push him out he retreats willingly, leaving behind only the faintest buzzing warmth - barely any trace that he had even stepped inside your mind at all. Your lips part to scold him when his own soft sigh stops you, and he speaks once more.

"No sunrise on Midgard could compare to those on Asgard," Loki says, keeping his back to you. "And yet I'm destined to never see one again."

"It doesn't have to be that way, you know," you say. "Despite what you've been told, you don't have to be a prisoner here."

Loki lets out a small laugh, full of bitter resentment. "I've been a prisoner my entire life, whether I knew it or not. This is no different."

You flinch at the sharp edge of accusation in his tone, but don't allow it to deter you. Instead you cross the threshold to join him on the balcony. He tenses as you step beside him and lean against the railing. But he remains rooted in place, and keeps his eyes on the golden light that crests the horizon. You stand in silence at his side for several minutes, simply allowing the early morning breeze to send slight shivers down your spine, enjoying the skin-prickling sensation the wind leaves behind.

For the first time since yesterday, your headache is gone. But the lingering pain in your mangled hand reminds you that you have a job to do.

"Come on, Loki," you sigh, pushing off the rail.

As you retreat, Loki casts you a side-eyed glance but remains in place. He does not follow as you disappear inside the apartment. Irritation gnaws at your empathy, threatening your margin of patience.

"Loki, let's go," you call out firmly. "I need to take a look at those cuts. Assuming that you can't heal yourself anymore?"

Loki huffs and steps away from the railing, yet keeps a strong grip upon it with one hand as if fighting himself. For a moment longer he hesitates. But then his eyes leave the horizon for the first time, and find yours. The moment they meet, warmth slithers through your veins - the same warmth he had left behind in the very front of your head moments earlier. It startles you, and you drop your gaze to the crimson stain around his lips - the one coming from his split lip.

"You're bleeding," you frown.

Loki reaches his pale, delicate fingers for the corner of his own mouth and pulls them away, the tips stained red. He furrows his brow and passes his hand over his face in a strange gesture, his frown growing more pronounced. He does it again, then again before clenching his jaw in frustration.

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