Mall Date

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After staying in each others arms for a little more, he then asked, "Wanna go on a date today?", giving a goofy smile. "Sure!" you respond back smiling. You guys both then got out of his bed and you grabbed your stuff going to the bathroom to change. 

Once you were both ready you said goodbye to his parents and you guys headed out the door. "So what should we do today?" he then asked grabbing your hand to hold it. "What about the mall?" you say holding hid hand back. He nods smiling as you guys then head to the train station. Once you guys got on the train you guys found seats and sat down next to each other and just talked. More people then got on after another stop and it was starting to get crowded. You noticed an older man standing holding the rail by you and Bokutos seat. You stood up tapping the mans shoulder and offering your seat to him. "Thank you so much" the elderly man said making you smile. Bokuto looked at you in aw at you kindness, and then also stood up giving his seat to someone so he could stand with you. 

You guys get to the mall and as you leave the elderly man thanks you one more time. He then grabs your hand once again and you guys walk into the big mall. "Where to first" bokuto said looking at you. "Should we get some food" you say looking back at him. He nods smiling and you guys head to the food court. Once you guys got some food you just walked around to see if you could find anything interesting. You felt him suddenly stop and you looked to see what he found. He had stopped in front of a candy store. "Wanna go get some" you say starting to walk in. "Yeah" he said blushing a little bit. You guys then wondered around the huge candy store looking at all the cute and yummy treats. You both picked out one thing and then went to check out. You went to get your money but Bokuto already beat you to it paying for both of them. "Hey I can buy my own thing you dont have to" you say pouting at him making him laugh. "Well to late" he said making you laugh along with him. 

After looking around some more at random stores it was now evening. You guys decided to go somewhere for dinner. "What about the sushi place here" he said taking a drink of a drink he got. "Sure Id love that" you say with a big smile. You guys head down there and he gets a table for the both of you and you take a seat. You guys then order and just talk about random stuff as you wait.

Once the food arrived you both said your thanks and started eating. You got your favorite type of sushi and Bokuto decided to get that to. "Wow this is really good" he said with a mouth full making you giggle. "Careful dont want you to choke" you said as you laughed. He smiled with his cheeks full of food making you laugh even more. Once you guys finished you payed and then headed out walking through the mall again. You guys find a mochi stand and decide to get some to finish off the night once again. You guys found a seat and ate it laughing and smiling together. 

It was then finally time to head home as it was getting late so you headed back to the train station. You guys took your seat, it not being to crowded. You layed your head down on his shoulder from being a little tired. "Thanks for today, it was really fun" you said softly as your eyes slowly started closing. "Of course"he said softly looking down at your sleepy face. He smiled holding you so you had a comfortable sleep.

Once you guys reached your stop you slowly woke up and got off the train with him where he thin lifted you up onto his back. "You can go back to sleep" he said softly as you had already closed your eyes. He walked back to his house and opened the door, where his mom came to greet you both. "Is she ok" she asked Bokuto quietly from seeing you asleep on his back. "Just tired, had a long day" he then said laughing a bit. "Take her upstairs Ill contact her parents letting them know" his mom then said heading to the ktichen. He layed you back down on his bed, slipping your shoes off. You were luckily just in leggings and a (f/c) sweater so you were already nice and comfy. Bokuto then got changed and layed down next to you once again looking at your peaceful face.

"Goodnight y/n" he said softly.

Sorry Im back, updates might not be as frequent but I will try my best! Love you all! ~London 

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