Red Magnolia

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Lan Zhan was been restless recently as the sect duty and other chaos in the realm. He wasn't having a healthy diet and the sleeping schedule was also varied with this busy lifestyle. Clearly Wei Ying was worried sick about his lovely husband and he was also having a bad thought of his inability to help Lan Zhan out.

It was 6am and Lan Zhan was preparing himself for his journey to Louhe city because of the troubles heard recently in the area. Wei Ying was sitting on the bed half asleep in his transparent silk night robes, looking at his husband's perfect back, sulking. Lan Zhan decided to go without him this time as the he was slightly sick. Wei Ying worried that how would Lan Zhan manage to have enough food and sleep in his absence. Lan Zhan noticed his cute sulking husband and went to sit down beside him on the bed. He pulled Wei Ying on to his lap and gave a quick kiss on Wei Ying's pouted lips.

"Lan Zhan"
Wei Ying hugged his husband.

Lan Zhan was gently caressing his sides.
" I want to go with you...please Lan Zhan"

Lan Zhan loosened the hug and made Wei Ying to face him.
He cupped Wei Ying's puffy cheeks.
"Wei Ying is sick"

Wei Ying kicked his legs in the air and pouted again. This made Lan Zhan to curve up his lips slightly. The sight was too cute for him. He hugged Wei Ying to calm him down and also Lan Zhan himself.
"I really want to go with you "

"Wei Ying can't. Wei Ying is not well"

"But I can and I'm really fine. See"

Wei Ying released the hug and showed his bright smile. He knows Lan Zhan can't ignore him now. Wei Ying really knows Lan Zhan's weaknesses.

Lan Zhan smiled and caressed Wei Ying's jade like cheeks.
" No"

"Aiya.... Lan Zhan"
Wei Ying hit Lan Zhan's toned chest with his fists while sulking again. Lan Zhan cought those little fists and pushed Wei Ying down to the bed while hovering over him. He pinned Wei Ying's hands beside his head.
"L-lan Zha-"

Lan Zhan sealed Wei Ying's cherry like lips with his. He sucked Wei Ying's upper lip and bit the lower lip gaining a pleasurable moan from the latter. Lan Zhan looked at those white petals like closed eyes which have twin silver orbs laying inside.
All he wanted is to look at those warm eyes and cuddle with his Wei Ying but he has so many responsibilities ahead that cannot be denied. So he controlled himself and pecked Wei Ying's closed eyes and button nose . His Wei Ying is so cute.
"Wei Ying needs rest"

Wei Ying opened his eyes and looked at his husband's molten gold eyes.
"Lan Zhan.. How can you leave your sick husband all alone"

Yep, Wei Ying has facts. He's sick after all. And Lan Zhan leaving him alone.

Lan Zhan let go of one of Wei Ying's wrist and tucked a tress that was laying on  Wei Ying's cheek behind his ear. Of course Lan Zhan didn't want to leave his sick husband behind. Still he has responsibilities that should be fulfilled without any delay. 
"Brother told he would look after "

"Lan Zhan...I know Zewu Jun is good...but...."

Wei Ying's eyes filled with sadness. Lan Zhan layed down himself beside Wei Ying and gently pulled him on to his chest. Lan Zhan's long fingers were tangled in Wei Ying's silky black hair.
"I'm sorry"

Wei Ying lifted his head and looked at Lan Zhan.
"No...Lan Zhan did nothing wrong...I can don't be sorry okay"

Wei Ying sat on the bed with crossed legs and pulled Lan Zhan up. Wei Ying took Lan Zhan's hands in his.
"Just promise me you won't skip meals and get enough sleep when you're away"

Red Magnolia_WangXian || CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now