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Ashlyn POV.

It had been a week since George's attack, still no one knew who came to his apartment that day. Clay feels guilty for not being there to protect him, but George is getting better. He's no longer at the hospital and his ribs are slowly healing, I've visited him a few times since he woke up to me and Sapnap arguing.

I've heard from Clay that Sapnap hasn't visited and he won't answer anyone's calls. Honestly, I didn't care, his words really hurt me at the hospital. I don't know what I expected from him but I'd hoped he wasn't as low as to just use someone for sex.

I was back at work now and I'd been given a massive project from Mrs Keaton. They were working on a self love campaign for men and women, I'd been assigned on the men's half of the project.

Today was about research and analysing photographers techniques that I could use for my own photos. I'd managed to create a 5,000 word document on the matter so far and it was going really well.

*buzz, buzz*

My phone startles me slightly, I reach over my desk to pick it up. Felix was calling.

"Hello." I answer.

"Ashlyn, how are you?" I could tell there was a smile on his face.

"Working, Felix. Now is not a good time!"

"Lunch? On me?"

My stomach was growling, I look over at the time and see it's 2pm. I hadn't realised how late it was I was so focused on getting this research done.

"Meet you in 10 minutes." I sigh, if he was paying then there was no harm in going. After all I was hungry and maybe this would count as the date I owed him.

"See you then." He hangs up the phone.

I make sure to save all the documents I had loaded up on my laptop, then shut the lid. I grab my bag and phone, turning the lights off as I leave. When I reach the front desk I let the receptionist know that I'm popping out for lunch break.

Felix texts me the name of the venue, it's an 80's style diner not long down the street. I'd been there once before when my brother came to visit from England.

The air was chilly today so I was thankful when my eyes landed on the neon sign of the diner, confirming my arrival. When I walk through the door it chimes, signalling a new customer for the waiters.

The diner has three rows of booth style seats, switching between black and red in colour. There was a larger booth at the back of the room with yellow backing to the seats, presumably for larger families to eat. The floor was laminated beige wood and the walls had black and white tiles, the room felt vintage and warming.

I spot Felix sitting in the second row towards the back so I make my way over to him.

"Afternoon." I smile.

He looks up at me with a grin, I must admit as much as I wasn't interested in a relationship Felix was an attractive man. He looked different from the last time I saw him, his hair was now longer on top and he was slightly more tanned.

"Looking good Ash!"

"I told you I hate that name." I frown at the nickname he always tries to use on me.

He goes quiet as I place my bag on the seat and slide in opposite him.

"So, how's things at work?"

I was a little irritated by the small talk that seemed to be happening but also pleased it wasn't awkwardly silent, given our last phone call.

"I got promoted!" I squeal.

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