chapter eleven: soccer tryouts

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My alarm goes off for school and I jump out of bed. This is the first time I'm exited to go to school. Soccer tryouts are today!! After straightening my hair I put my soccer cleats and a water bottle into a bag and call my driver to take me to school. 

"You look exited today." My driver says, trying to make conversation with me. I hate when he try's to talk to me. is he supposed to be a substitute for my parents or something? Either way, I hate it! Why can't my parents just care about me and work from home. I know that's selfish, but there's not been one time in my life where they were there for me.

In response to my drivers statement I just pretend he didn't say anything and continue to look out the window. Minutes later we arrive at Stone Garden and I open my door and step out. My driver didn't even say goodbye this time, he's learning that I don't give a fuck about him. 


"BOO!!" Kate jumps on my back.

I quickly jerk around and slap her arm. "OMG don't do thattt! You scared me!"

She gets off my back and we start to talk. "Are you ready for tryouts today girl!?" She asks me excitedly.

I have been playing soccer since I could walk! I'm easily going to be the best on the team. "Is that even a question? Of fucking course I am!! But the real question is...are YOU ready?!" I ask her back.

Kate looks at me like I just asked the dumbest question in the world. "I'm more ready than you!!" She breaks out into laughter and so do I.

The late bell rings, we didn't even notice that we have been talking for 5 minutes. 

"Fuck Kate you made me late!" I said jokingly. She grabs my wrist and we start running to class while giggling. We run to her class first, she has English 1 for first period like I do, but she has a different teacher so we aren't in the same class unfortunately. "Bye bitch!!!" I whisper scream. She says the same thing in return as she walks into her class late. Now It's time for me to go to my class. I pull out my phone and stop right around a sharp corner and notice that my mom texted me. It's probably her saying they will be gone for another week or some bullshit I don't care about.

To my surprise the text says that they are coming home tomorrow night for a dinner meeting and want me to join them. That's cool I guess...I was about to respond right before-

BAM!!! A large man turned around from the other side of the sharp corner and ran straight into me, knocking me down. 

"Hey!! Watch where you're going dumbass." I snap, then I look up to see a gorgeous man putting his hand out to help me up. God damn is he cute I think to myself. 

"Sorry pretty girl, that was my bad." The cute guy says while helping me stand back on my feet. He grabs my phone that was a couple feet from me and hands it to me. He says sorry one more time then runs off. Ugh boys these days are so rude I think to myself. I turn on my phone and respond to my parents with a simple "K." I hate when people do that to me so I'm going to do that to them. I continue to walk down the hallway until I reach my class. I'm going to try and sneak in so he doesn't count me late so Mike can't bust my ass for it. Looking inside the classroom the teacher is focused on something on his computer. 


I slowly enter the class as quiet as possible and the students notice so they look at me but I just put a 'shh' sign on my lips and they get the message. A boy walks up to the teacher to try and distract him, but right as I was about to sit in my seat- 

"Anna, do you have a pass? Or are you trying to sneak into my classroom?" My English teacher questions.

"Shit" I mumble. "I don't have a pass sir, please don't count me late. Mike will have a field day on this." I beg to him. 

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