32 - sonogram photos

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"Delilah Covey?" My name echos throughout the waiting room and I glance at JJ, who's seated next to me, his hand wrapped tightly around mine. His knee is nervously bouncing up and down as he snaps out of the trance he was invested in, looking at me with an unknowing look glinting in his eyes. He's just as nervous as I am.

I take his hand in mine, squeezing it tight as I pull myself to a standing position and JJ does the same, taking a deep breath before we follow to doctor down the brightly lit hallway. The walls were an olive shade of green, a perfect contrast to the dark brown turtleneck that I was wearing. It was loose enough so that it concealed everything but it was also godly hot for a summer day.

"Right through here and we'll get you set up for when the doctor comes in. She just wants to make sure that everything is healing from the fall last week." She pauses for a second, her face contorting slightly but she plasters on a smile quickly following, "She'll be in here shortly now if you'll excuse me."

"Somethings wrong..." I immediately say after the door closed behind her as JJ leans forward, pressing a kiss to my forehead.

"There is no sense in worrying if we don't have all the information. So take a deep breath li." His green eyes stoop down to my level, melting away as they drink in mine. I swallow the spitball that's started to form in my throat, nodding slowly.

"You're right, I'm just terrified that I'm going to lose the baby. I mean think about all that we've gone through this past week, the stress of it all could be catching up and it's would be all my fault. I had risked what we had for nothing. It was so easy before. There was no expectations, no strings." By the end of my ramble I could feel my knees shaking up and down as JJ leans forward to steady them.

"We were lying to ourselves Li. There is no fucking way that we could have kept up with what we were doing, I love you too much to see you with anyone else. These past few days that I hadn't been around you I felt like I was lost, fuck I don't even know man. I've never felt like this about anyone before."

I started to feel a smile spread across my face as JJ crinkles up his nose, retracting his gaze from my eyes onto the floor, his face turning a light shade of pink. "Don't go getting sentimental on me maybank, we haven't even had our first official date yet." I poke fun at him and he shoots me a look.

"I promise I'll being you somewhere nice once all this gold business is done and over with Li. You have my word and you know how important this relationship is to me. I mean c'mon we're having a child for Christ's sake." A laugh bubbles through my lips as I lean forward to press my lips onto his but once I'm centimeters away the door to the office opens, revealing Dr. Fitz.

"How are we today Delilah?" She asks and JJ and I jump apart as I clear my throat, brushing the sweat off my hands onto the sides of my leggings. "Pretty good, morning sickness has been kicking my ass though. I can barely keep anything down."

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