chapter 23

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                                      Jennie's P.O.V

"What's going on?" i asked and then stood up to see if there's something wrong. 

No one answered my question for they also don't know what happened there. We remained sitting while waiting for the food that jungkook and sana bought.

I glance back to the crowd and saw taehyung and sana coming towards us, he looks a bit pissed off. Jungkook on the other hand remained silent as he followed the two. 

"Sana unnie are you okay?" tzuyu asked and let her back in her seat. "What's with all the crowd there?" i asked her, she looked mad about something. 

"I bumped into someone i also met early in the morning while i was heading here in school, just a little accident" she forced a smile at me.

"You call that little?! he didn't even paid for all of the foods spilled on the floor!" Taehyung shouted in anger. I really hate him being like this especially to sana, she's my friend.

"Why are you shouting at me all of a sudden?! well sorry if i had been so clumsy all the damn time! i know him more than you know KIM TAEHYUNG! i still owe him for saving me earlier!" she broke into tears and ran away.

We all went shook to hear her shouting at him infront of us, she's too fragile. He tend to hold back his tears, i can sense that he was too jealous that he got more angry. 

I can't stop myself and followed where she went. I saw her crying at the garden. 

I sat next to her then slowly carressed her back. "Please don't cry sana ssi, he was just jealous i think?" i said.

"i..i didn't mean to shout back at him" she said while sobbing.

"it wasn't your fault, it was just all a coincidence" i said and handed her my handkerchief. "Wipe that away, i hate seeing you cry like this" 

"Thanks" she smiled. I don't know what other things to say to her. It's also the first time that i saw him shout that loud towards a girl. We were happy back then but i cheated on him, i was so stupid.

But it's also nice to see him with her, but in things like this, i hate him. I still hadn't tell her about us, and if i would, she'll be sad or even mad at me because i lied.

I don't want to hurt her, i don't want to see her crying like this again. I should just keep it a secret so that no one would get hurt.

"I don't want to go back there, i want to go home or maybe just stay at the room" i nodded and accompanied her to the room.

"I'm fine here alone, should go back there. I know you haven't eaten anything yet, you'll starve" she said, she's too caring for a friend like me.

"Are you sure? you don't want me here?" i smiled at her teasingly.

"No, not that i don't want you here. I was just worried that you might get sick if you don't eat anything" i nod.

"Then i'll  just go then, you sure you don't need anything?" she shooked her head and smiled bitterly.

I saw her wave her hand goodbye and i waved back at her. Hmm i wish she's a bit better now.

I head to the restroom first and was about to open the girls restroom door then i saw taehyung just came out of the boy's. "She's feeling better now" i said then he just nod.

I grabbed back his shirt "You should control your temper next time, it's bad for a person to be hurt like that especially for a fragile girl like her" he turned around and faced me.

'it's bad for a person to be hurt like that'  wow, since when did you know that? after you break up with me? after you made me look like a fool? " he said sarcastically.

"Shouldn't i be the one to tell you that?" he asked, i went silent for a while. "I--"  "I don't want to hear your answer" he said before he walked away.

'Shouldn't i be the one to tell you that?' his voice echoed in my mind. He's right, i made him look like a fool. " I'm sorry tae" i whispered.

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