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A hotel room bursts open, revealing a man struggling with suitcases, followed by a girl busily reading a book.

Bellboy: you... want... me... to put your luggage ma'am?

Amka: Over there I guess

She points to a corner of the hotel room where the bellboy should put her luggage. Struggling, he drops the suitcases in the corner.

Amka: Thank you

Bellboy: You're welcome

With that, the bellboy leaves, closing the hotel door in the process. Amka closes her book and looks around her hotel room.

Amka: Wow, what a beautiful and nice smelling hotel room. Hmmm

Amka rubs her chin, she didn't know what to do, it was her first time in a hotel. She had never attended one in her life.

Amka: *sigh* I don't know what to do

Amka's eyes turns to the tv. It was really big.

Amka: Maybe I can watch some movies

She grabs the remote and presses the 'on' button. The tv then comes to life. Static appears on it first and then it was removed with a people doing yoga. Amka wasn't really in the yoga mood right now. Of course, she changes the channel. The next channel she switched to, showed a vampire male licking his victim's neck, ready to bite. Of course she was a female.

Too lazy to look for any more channels, Amka  just sticked to watching this.

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