TWENTY-SIX, mood swings.

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Ever since Taehyung's out-of-the-blue confession Jennie received, which was a few weeks ago, things had gone back to almost normal again. Almost, because things were never be the same, but she was okay with that. Things change, people change, circumstances change. It's all a part of life.

Who knew, her current group of friends would be the same as it were seven years ago?

Everything was just getting better, which Jennie couldn't be more grateful for. They had dinner at Chaeyoung's at least weekly, and they all made time for Seo Ha on the weekend if she wasn't free. Jimin had probably noticed that she and Taehyung were as good as the best friends they had been, but never questioned it, and she figured it was for the best. Some things just didn't need to revealed immediately. Taehyung would tell him when he's ready.

Chaeyoung had also managed to establish her business, and had asked Jennie if she wanted to work there. The brunette was very tempted to accept the offer, but declined saying it would look bad. The blonde argued back saying she didn't care though, and had Jimin supporting her because he also believed her past shouldn't be held against her. She remembered him vaguely talking about holding a small interview or conference where they address a few of the ludicrous rumours spreading about the two of them. But she didn't think she was ready for that.

Jimin also managed to convince Jennie to stop working on the weekends. Which was a good, she reckoned, because having a good two days of relaxation weekly helped her feel a lot more energised and prepared for work on Monday.

And also let her rest when she was on her period, dealing with the more insufferable cramps and mood swings on a beautiful Saturday morning.

Which was exactly what was happening.

Taehyung had taken Seo Ha out for the day, because Jennie clearly couldn't.

"Nini, here," Jimin walked in to her room, where she was curled in bed, a pillow clutched against her stomach, "The chips you wanted."

She didn't want to tell him she didn't want them anymore - she didn't even know what she wanted at this point, she just wanted something to eat - so she just told him to put at the side.

Jimin sat next to her in the bed and gently layed her head on his lap, caressing her soft cheeks and running his fingers through her hair.

Jennie loved it when the back of his knuckles brushed her jaw in the most tender caress, and shamelessly basked in his attention. Twirling her hair in his fingers mindlessly, the couple sat in silence as Jennie waited for the pain of the cramps to subside, at least, by a little.

It was a good half an hour before she managed to sit up again. But she felt hot and bothered, and knew in the back of her mind that her mood swings would be quite bad today.

"So—" Jimin started, when she cut in, "Jimin-ah—"


"Do... Do you think I was stupid for keeping you away from Seo Ha?"

The man's head swivelled towards her in surprise and opened his mouth in vain. It took him a moment before he finally managed to splutter out,

"I- No, no, of course not, Jennie!"

"Really?" she mulled, "Because I think I was quite stupid."

"Jen..." he whispered, putting his arm around her shoulders, squeezing it in a reassuring manner, "You weren't, I swear."

"But, w-why?" her voice cracked, and she looked down, her head still against Jimin's shoulders. Her hair tickled his neck as he heard the tiniest sniffle from the brunette next to him, who just hid her face further into his shoulder.

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