1) English teacher....stepmom?

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Sophia POV

"Honey!!" My dad yelled and I groan

"Soph come on we're going to be late! It's your first day of senior year!" I heard my dad yelled downstairs and I sigh

Great...senior year

I opened my eyes and saw it was almost 8:00am

Oh crap maybe I am going to be late. I immediately got out of my bed and went to the restroom to clean myself a bit. I grabbed my leggings and a big sweatshirt to wear.

It's school no biggie to wear something fashionable

I brush my teeth and hair

I grabbed my backpack and went downstairs to see my dad drinking his daily morning coffee.

"There's my baby girl who's all grown up. Can't believe you're a senior. It was like yesterday where I dropped you off in kindergarten" He said while getting emotional

"Dad" I groan while biting into an apple

"Ah I have to go or I'll be late bye dad!" I said

"Wait!" He stopped me by pulling me back onto my arm "What I have to go" I said trying to escape and he laugh

"Be home before dinner time" He said letting me go "What why? It's Monday meaning my favorite book will come out in the bookstore" I groan

"Because my fiancée is coming over for dinner. We finally had time to spare and I wanted her to come over so you two can meet" He said and I rolled my eyes

"But why can't you just tell me about her?" I asked

"Because I want you guys to talk and get know each other. She's going be your stepmom so you need to get comfortable around her. She's moving in next month" He said

"What?! dad! But-"

"No buts Soph. Remember, come home before dinner" He said and I nodded "Fine" I sigh and left the house

I continue to walk to school and thought of my dad with his new fiancée

He always talked about her but I never saw a picture of her so I'm kinda curious on what she look like.

But I'm kinda glad my dad is moving on from mom who does from cancer 10 years ago when I was a baby. I'm happy that I can see he's becoming happy again, but I know he still forever love my mom deep down his heart. My dad works at this tech company and apparently he's the boss so we get a comfortable amount of money.

He told me he was dating this girl he met in a mutual friend party. They were dating for about 8 months before he popped the question to ask her to marry him during the summer. Kinda fast to ask someone to marry them when they haven't even dated for a year

Now today, is my first time seeing her and meeting her. Kinda curious on what makes her special that catches my dads heart.

After a 5 minute walk I arrived from school. I immediately felt shy. This is why I hate about me. At home I feel so free but at school I feel so shy because I feel like everyone is looking at me. I'm known at the nerd because one I look like one and two the popular girls bullies me.

I grabbed my schedule and saw my only friend Samuel. He has been my best friend ever since 3rd grade.

"Hey Soph, let me see if we have classs together!" He said excitedly "We have English and government together!" He smiled and I smiled back

It's great having a class with someone that would be next to me

"But it's the last two classes so I'll see you at the end of the day" He said and I smiled "It's alright, now let's go to class. We don't want to be marked absent" I said and he nodded

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