Chapter 32

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Amanda's P.O.V

I woke up with my head on a soft object feeling satisfied, while hands were gently playing with my hair. Everything has just been a big roller coaster and it's finally slowing down. I'm not sure if there are anymore twists and turns on this ride, but I'm going to enjoy this period of peace while it lasts, however long that is.

I tilt my head up to see Conlan smiling down at me. "Morning," he huskily greets. I give a kitty yawn, back to him. He gives me a quick peck on the lips that I had to pull away from unless I wanted it to become more than just a peck. He pouted adorably for a reaction.

"Morning to you as well. I wouldn't mind getting used to this," I admitted.

"Same here," this is my life now, and I'm pretty content with it.


I heard laughing coming from down the hall as I was about to make some breakfast. Conlan began growling in the same direction.

"What's wrong?" he never answered, because just then Ray and Mara appeared. My immediate reaction was to put up my defenses which consisted of my hands around in random directions and end in a kind of karate move. I thought it looked threatening, but I ended up just looking ridiculous and make everyone laugh instead.

"Why was I not informed that you two were mates?" Conlan asks. Forgot about that. I slightly cowered away and gave him an 'opps' look. He kissed my cheek to silently tell me it was okay. Conlan quickly sniffed the air and grimaced. "You're already mated?" My eyes shot open in surprise.

"What!" I nearly screamed. "No! Ray!" I could feel tears brimming my eyes. Conlan attempted to calm me down, but it wasn't working. It's too late. She's going to kill him now.

"Don't worry Amanda. It's all good now," oh naive, naive Ray. If only you knew.

"No Ray, it's not okay," with this, I started to break down into a big ramble of gibberish. "You're never going to know the joy of having kids-holding your baby in your arms, you won't know what it's like to discover your first grey hair. You won't die old or...or,"

"Amanda," Ray called with a smile that suggested he thought I was being funny.

"No, I'm not finished," I breathed out through my tears.

"Seriously Amanda," Mara said to me.

"Don't you 'seriously' me. You're ruining everything. What did I ever do to you, huh? I existed! Big whoop! I can't believe..."

"Just listen babe," Conlan interrupted me. I huffed, but closed my mouth.

"Everything's good now. I know Mara had bad intentions at the beginning of our relationship, but we're all good now," Ray informs me. I squinted my eyes, studying her.

"How do I know I can trust you? You've deceived me in the past," I questioned her. She didn't give me an answer, but instead, she took a few steps towards me and gave me a hug.

At first, my whole body went stiff, but then I slowly warmed up to and relaxed in her arms.

"For real this time," I heard her whisper, so only I could hear. "We're good for real this time," this made me smile. Eventually we both pulled back and everything felt at peace.

There was no movement. No one spoke. The only sound was the beating of our hearts and steady breathing. It's like none of us knew what to do next. We're like statues.

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