Xiao | Comfort

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"X-Xiao..." you breathe out, hands on your knees as you're struggling to speak properly. "Can we take a small break? I can... really use it right about now..."

You would've thought all those mountains you've climbed throughout your years would make a simple task of finding and destroying hilichurl camps to be easy, but evidently, your body can only take so much fighting.

The adeptus heaves a sigh, turning around to observe your lethargic state. "Exhausted already? Absurd. We've only encountered approximately fifty camps so far. Is your body that weak?"

"Yep, it seems to be so. It wasn't just fifty camps, you know... you forgot about the twenty million mountains we had to climb!"

"The mountains are merely simple objects to accomplish. You mortals truly are astounding."

"My apologies, your greatness, for I have failed as a mortal."

Fortunately for you, it seems he didn't hear (or perhaps he simply didn't care) about your remark as he continues up the mountain, climbing the immensely tall structure with ease.

"Stay here. I'll be back as soon as I deal with the last camps," he calls out.

You gaze up at the male, watching his form get smaller and smaller. With nothing much to do around the area you're at, you settle with picking some nearby fruits and plants—perfect for creating a variety of medicine and food.

You're about to reach for a group of delectable berries when the sky suddenly turns muted and gloomy. Numerous clouds are covering the sky as the wind greets your face harshly, followed by a trickle of rain.

"Time to take cover...!" You pluck the berries quickly before dashing into a small cave. Fortunately there's a light source from the outside streaming in, albeit the light not being very bright.

It's definitely better than no light, though.

A terrifyingly loud, rumbling noise erupts in the distance. You shut your eyes tightly and cover your ears in response, burying your face into your knees.

"Hey... it's okay, (Y/N). I-It's just thunder... you fight scary guys all the time, so this is nothing!" you attempt to reassure your panicked self, but another thunderous noise makes you yelp.

As the noise continues, your panic gradually grows, worsening every minute. Luckily, Xiao comes back and appears before you, slightly wet from the rain.

Except, he's greeted with a surprising sight: you're in a fetal position, glued to the corner, breathing quickly and heavily with tears streaming down your face.

You look miserable, and he isn't sure why you're like this. After all, you're always so bubbly about anything and everything, which he finds to be irritating to deal with at times. The lack of your excited greeting is odd.

"What seems to be the problem here?" he asks, gazing down at you with the usual expression on his face.


You don't get the chance to explain yourself as another crackle of thunder resonates, causing you to yelp and shake even more.

"I truly don't understand you mortals with your fears of common things, such as the weather. So fearful that you're rendered immobile." He sighs. "We can make it back quickly enough if we move now."

"You... go... ahead..." you manage to say. Despite your quivering body and teary eyes, you stare up at him and give a firm nod.

He clicks his tongue out of annoyance and plops down beside you. As much as he wants to go back to Wangshu Inn, it wouldn't be wise to leave you by yourself, especially due to your fear. It'll only be more bothersome to deal with later on.

"I told you to call for me when you're in need of my assistance, didn't I? I'll be here when you need me, no matter the problem," he says. "What do you need to help with your fear? I'll go get it."

Wordlessly, you drop your head in his lap, gripping onto his waist firmly. Xiao's eyes widen, his lips parting to question your motives, but no words spill out. You rubbing your face against him makes the situation even worse as his hands hover above you, ready to push you away.

He can't seem to, for some reason.

What you're doing is foreign to him—ridiculous, even. But seeing you in a calm state stops him from pushing you away.

Instead, he lowers his hands to your hair, running through it awkwardly. He has seen people do this with children, and although he doesn't understand what it means, the smiles on the children's faces says it all.

The smile gracing your face gives him reassurance. His body relaxes. Verr Goldet will have to wait for a bit longer; all he desires right now is to comfort you.


I forgot about the fact that Xiao has teleportation abilities, so you and him definitely could've just teleported back to Wangshu Inn, but the mistake makes for a cute comforting prompt at least, haha.

Comfort story plots always makes me feel all warm and happy whenever I do them. Also! Happy Lunar New Years to my fellow Asians who celebrate it! And happy Valentine's Day as well! Whether you celebrate both holidays, one, or none, may 2021 bring you lovelies happiness and safety.

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