A Prankful Start To School

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The first week of school was just like last year's, peaceful, and Harry appreciated the way it was while knowing that sadly, it wouldn't last long. As soon as the Quidditch Tournament started, the House Rivalry would come back full force, and conflict would start happening between students of different Houses, especially Slytherin and Gryffindor.

Harry had lost count of the number of times he had seen students hexing each other in the hallways or arguing over irrelevant topics just because they were in different Houses, and has decided to just ignore any minor incidents that didn't affect him or his studies.

This year would hopefully be less incidental than the last, as taking away the Horcrux Diary should help prevent the opening of the Chamber of Secrets, the largest-scaled incident from his initial second-year.

Right now, his biggest problem was that he had to meet that fraudulent buffoon, Lockhart, and attend his lessons again. He really was not looking forward to his bogus adventures of defeating vampires with a single punch because it had neglected to brush its teeth, again.

Even so, coming back also had its plus side: he was able to meet Flitwick and have pleasant discussions about Magical Theory again, and exploring Hogwarts had always been one of his favourite pass times. The fact that the magic of the castle always called for him when he was away was also a factor of his happiness: now that he was connected again, he felt much more complete.

And so, the castle was as peaceful as it could be, with the occasional pranking incident performed by the infamous Weasley Twins, and taking inspiration from the duo, Harry decided that it was time the Phantom Prankster of Hogwarts showed his brilliant creativity.

The second he made this decision, he started plotting his future prank. It took him three days of careful planning to perfect his scheme, and another four to encounter the perfect time to act it out.

It was a usual day at Hogwarts, with the schedule for the day half-finished, when chaos suddenly erupted. The Gryffindor House students suddenly found their genders switched around, and the Slytherin House started coughing every few minutes a red and gold dust, leaving the taste of gunpowder behind them. 

The Hufflepuff House password which hadn't changed since its founding became incorrect, and the poor badgers droned in vinegar, the pungent smell attaching itself to their robes for days no matter how many times they cleaned them. 

Finally, the Ravenclaw exclusive library suddenly disappeared, leaving behind mass chaos within the Common Room, many young students crying in fear of the thousand-year-old tomes being lost forever.

This was only the beginning, though, as only a few hours later at dinner time, the food and drinks were enchanted to make the consumers create the sound of their exclusive House animals, and eventually, the Gryffindor roars became so loud that the staff had to cast silencing spells on them. The Slytherins looked pleased by the hissing, though, as Parseltongue was the tongue of their founder, and they kept on hissing excitedly at each other with wide smiles.

Finally, all of the Common Rooms somehow became pure white, enough to blind whoever took even the slightest of glances, and the Professors' individual bedrooms were dyed pure black on top of being charmed so no light could enter the room, magical or no magical, which caused poor Pomona Sprout to trip and mysteriously become completely dyed black just like her room, robes and all.

The next day, Dumbledore came to breakfast fuming with all the hair on his head having become noodles, and his half-moon spectacles charmed to mix people when he looked through them. Because of this, he mistook McGonagall for Snape and caused wide laughter amongst the Hall. The dungeon bat was teased as a woman between the students for many weeks.

As for Flitwick? Well, he suddenly took the form of a full human but was depressed to find that he was still shorter than average as a human. 

All in all, it was a fun time for Harry, and he was especially pleased when he heard that Ron had started crying about having breasts during potions class, and Snape had gotten so irritated he hexed him into a portable toilet. Also, Rose had gone as red as her hair at the sexists comments her sycophant had made and had afterwards hexed him to have an unstoppable period right in front of the Slytherins. She truly could be vicious when she wanted to be.

Harry would never admit that it was he who had lengthened the hex to last a week after witnessing his sister's action, but he was sure Luna knew from the fact that she had sent him an amused look at dinner that night.

Oh well, who cared about the idiotic Weasley anyway?

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