Chapter 10

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"Okay well that's the last of the boxes. We'll have to shove everything else into bags." Toni instructed as she stood from where she had been sitting on the floor and admired our hard work. My room was basically stuffed with brown boxes, each filled with my belongings.

I flopped down onto my bed, careful not to disturb the boxes that were sitting atop my comforter, "This is stupid. I'm packing up all my things just so I can move to a place that no one will tell me anything about."

Toni sighed strenuously, "Harmony we've been over this. We can't give you any details because very important people attend this academy."

"So? I can keep a secret." I argued back, "I never told anyone that you did Brad Duffer in the closet during that party two years ago. If I can keep that a secret then I can keep anything a secret."

She shot a pointed look at me, "What if we were captured and tortured for information. Luke, Marco, and I have been trained to keep our mouths shut even under an immense amount of pain but you haven't. You'd be easy to break, and then hundreds of students at Croft Academy would be in danger. That's why we can't tell you anything, at least not until we get you into the school."

I kicked a box of my clothes off the bed, causing it to tumble to the floor, "What if I don't fit in at this academy?"

Toni sat down next to me, placing her hand on my knee, "Oh come on, let's be completely honest honey. You're funny, courageous, and sexy as hell. Who wouldn't want to be your friend? Trust me, you won't have any problem fitting in at the academy."

"What about all of my friends here?" I complained, tossing my arm over my eyes, "I don't want to just leave and not tell them why. Can you imagine all of the horrible gossip they'll create about me, and what will my teachers think-"

"Harmony, calm down." Toni wrapped her arms around me tightly and smiled against my hair, "First of all, I don't know why you're worrying about this because you'll probably never see these people again. And secondly, you're not just leaving. Today is your last day remember, we can come up with a little white lie to ease things over."

"And how are we going to explain all of the fighting yesterday?" I asked, wrapping my own arms around her as she comforted me.

Toni shrugged, "I don't know. Marco and Luke went to talk with Arnold about it. They should be back any second."

Speaking of the two devils, just as Toni finished her sentence we heard the front door slam from downstairs and two sets of footsteps begin towards our location. My other two bodyguards appeared in the doorway to my room, looking as bad ass as ever.

Luke stopped dead in his tracks when he saw Toni and I laying on the bed, causing Marco to run into him from behind. Luke's eyes swept over us, then they narrowed, "I had a dream just like this the other night..."

Marco rolled his eyes and pushed past him, "You had a dream of two beautiful girls laying in bed together...surrounded by brown boxes?"

Luke opened his mouth to retort but he froze, then broke into laughter, "You got me there. Although, I don't understand why you can't just let me fantasize for one minute. You get to do it all the time."

Marco shot a glare at Luke before he dropped himself into the chair near my desk. He rolled his head to look at Toni and I, "Everything packed?"

"Basically." I announced, sitting up to glace around my room. It looked so bare without all of my posters hanging and without my trinkets laid out.

"What did Arnold say?" Toni questioned, sitting up next to me so she could see Marco clearly.

Marco sighed and ran his fingers through his hair, "We spent nearly all morning arguing about it but he says we should just come clean and tell everyone the truth. Well not the whole truth. He says we should tell them that Harmony is in danger and has to be moved to a more secure facility but that's it. He's actually set up a meeting for us to explain all of this."

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