Chapter 13

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~~~Taeyong pov~~~

I walked out of the room and thought about what Kun told me. I have feelings for Y/n.


I'm a mafia leader, I don't have time for love. I kill and hurt people for a living, how am I supposed to love.

I was so deep in thought I had not noticed Sungchan walking toward me. Before I could move out the way, I walked straight into him.

"I'm sorry boss, I was not looking where I was going. I will be more careful next time." Sungchan quickly apologised and bowed.

I patted his head and replied, "It's okay, it was my fault. I was distracted."

"Is everything alright? This is not like you. Do you need help?" Sungchan looked worried.

"Do you mind gathering everyone but Y/n and tell them to go to the meeting room? I have something to discuss with all of them." I said taking my mind off Y/n and and on the plan, that had been keeping me busy.

He nodded and started to gather everyone. I slowly walked to the room and took a seat before the members joined me.

Once everyone was present, I started the meeting.

"Right, I have called a meeting because I want to know your opinions on my idea," They nodded but remained quite, " I was thinking about adding Y/n to our mafia family. If course we will train her before she does any missions."

There was silence for a while before Jungwoo spoke," Are you sure about this?"

"I am." I confidently replied. I wanted Y/n to fell loved and included.

"Well I don't see any problems with it. It could be quite fun. " Yuta answered with a smirk on his face. You could never tell what he was thinking about until it was too late.

"Don't try anything funny with her. Or I will kill you." I growled at him, with a stare that could kill. My reaction took me by surprise. Why did I act like that?

"Someones a bit protective of our little princess." Yuta smiled as he crossed his arms over his chest and lend back on his chair.

Before I could even say anything, Ten interrupted me, " I think we should let Y/n choose of she wants to join us."

"Good idea." Everyone agreed. After that, I dismissed everyone and went to find Y/n. My heart started to race and I felt butterflies in my stomach. Do I really like Y/n?

Shaking my head, I continued to walk to her room. Once I reached the door, I gently knocked waiting for her reply.

~~~end of pov~~~

After the drive with Taeyong, I went up to my room. I did not know what to do so I got a quick shower. I did not have any of my clothes so I walked around the house in Ten's clothes because he was the smallest member of Nct and his clothes would fit me the best.

I put on a black t-shirt and some loose shorts. With nothing else to do, I layed onto bed and closed my eyes.

It did not take me long to fall asleep but I wish I knew what would happen when I did.

*Dream/ Flashback*

Fear had taken over my frail body as I started to run. My brain was not controlling my body, my body was controlling itself. Why was this happening to me? What did I do to deserve this?

Just hours earlier, I was in the dance studio, with Lisa and Bambam,  and now I am running for my life. I ran past many trees. They all looked the same, nothing was different about the woods. The ground was rough and felt like sandpaper as my naked feet ran across it. Occasionally, my delicate feet would get stabbed with a rock peeking out the ground. There were also little patches of soft, luscious grass that felt like fluffy clouds as my battered and bleeding feet ran across it. I wanted to stop. My whole body ached. I could not go on any longer however they would not stop chasing me so I had to keep ahead of them.    

Tears ran down my cheeks making pale lines down my dirty face. I frantically wiped the tears away so I could see where I was going. One wrong placement of my feet, I would trip over a root and be on the floor. I slowly turned my head and saw Ateez coming closer and closer to me. 

I panicked.

Out of nowhere, someone jumped out of the bushes and tackled me to the ground. In a desperation to get who ever was on top of me off, I kicked and threw my hands around.

However in a matter of seconds, my hands were pinned above my head and a knife was resting on my neck. I opened my eyes and was greeted by San. He let out a sinister laugh and pushed the knife deeper into my neck.

I felt a warm liquid run down my neck. I knew it was blood. Tears immediately ran down my face as a sudden wave of pain hitted me. Though the tears I could make out San smiling and licking the blood of the knife.

He got of me and grabbed my hair. He tugged at it and it made me cry more. Once he knew it hurts me, he started to drag me, back to their base, by my hair.

*end of the dream*

I tossed and turned in my sleep trying to wake myself up from the horrible memories of my past. Nothing worked. I could still see and hear San.

Suddenly I felt a hand on my head and got scared. This is not a dream this is real. I have not escaped yet. I need to wake up now.

Quickly, my eyes began to open. I did not see San but instead I saw a very worried Taeyong, who had his hand on my head. My heart was still beating so fast as I stared into Taeyong's eyes.

 My heart was still beating so fast as I stared into Taeyong's eyes

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