Library Drama (3)

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While in the library, Kat decided to read Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban for the tenth time in the year. Her eyes fixated on each character's words, mindlessly reciting the events with ease. Looking up to see what the others were occupying themselves with, she caught the gaze of Eli, the shyest of the three, she thought he was cute, but he seemed insecure. His eyes widened, clasping his hand over his scar-ridden mouth, he quickly turned away.

Miguel noticed Eli's discomfort around their new friend and decided to ease the tension by mentioning the dojo's emergence into West Valley. "So, guys," he looked at Kat, "and girl, last night, Kyler and his minions poured Pepto Bismol over me, and pretty much, they uh, slammed me into this old dude's car, and the guy whose sitting outside on the curb, chewing on a pizza gets up, and he's all," clearing his throat to sound manlier, "Hey, you fucking assholes, that's my car," while throwing punches into the air, making whoosh sound effects. "Meanwhile, I'm covered in this pink shit, and he's kicking adolescent ass-"

"Hold on, wait, you're saying, you were getting your shit clapped, and some old guy stepped in and fought Kyler and his goons?" Demetri interrupted.

Rolling his eyes, he retorted, "Yeah, and I'm like, dude, what the hell was that?" he said, slacked back in his chair, "they run off with bloody noses and bruised egos, and I realize this guy is my neighbor, so I'm trying to thank him, but he technically told me to f-off in the nicest way possible, and slammed his door in my face."

"Uh, does this have a good ending? I'm just asking because if not, I should probably take a puff of my inhaler or something," Eli said coyly.

Throwing his hands back, flustered, "Alright, shit. Long story short, I convinced this guy to open a dojo, and he insists on calling it Cobra Kai, so I'm like, cool, when do we start?" Catching his breath from an adrenaline rush, "He tells me to recruit others who want to learn and defend themselves against assholes like Kyler, and we've got ourselves a deal, and now," he said, looking between his friends, "I think this could be a turning point for us, we don't have to be the beta's of this school, I mean, we wouldn't have to take anyone's shit anymore!"

"You want us to join a dangerous sport that involves violence, blood, and death! Do you realize that we can get hurt while trying to prevent getting hurt?" Demetri exclaimed, clutching his bag.

Eli shrugged, "I don't know, man. I'm not cut out for that kind of thing."

Sighing, Miguel turned to the last person at the small, wooden table, Kat. "Well, what do you think?"

Her eyes beamed brightly with the mention of karate, "Really? I love karate! I was raised on Bruce Lee movies and self-defense classes; according to my mom, it comes naturally to our family."

Hearing at least one of his friends interested, he grinned, "I'll show you after school; it's in this strip of businesses. It's a lot bigger than I was expecting too." Miguel remarked.

In mere moments, what was once a cute moment of excitement soon soured as the group of bullies Miguel just mentioned crept into the once quiet, peaceful library. Still, although the four intentionally avoided their gaze, they weren't interested in keeping the peace.

Before the group could leave, Kyler and his crew stopped Eli, the easiest target since he was seemingly the weakest of the four, "Look at this ugly shit; what girl would ever kiss this?"

The poor, defeated boy looked through glossy eyes, staring anywhere except Kyler's intense gaze. With what little Kat knew about Eli, it's apparent that this happens daily.

Instead of cowering with her other friends, she confidently replied, "I would," walking towards Eli, softly grabbing his face and massaging her soft, lipstick-stained lips onto his. The kiss only lasted a few seconds, but it felt like hours for the two, and somehow, they didn't want it to stop. Everyone in the room went quiet; a single pin drop would've been heard crystal clear. As expected, there were mixed reactions.

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