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Honestly, I was feeling rather uneasy when I watched Stiles struggle with the heavy duffel bag he was carrying with him. It was rustling with every possible movement he made and the worrying part about it was that he brought those things to use them on Scott.

My subconscious is telling me that Scott won't just voluntarily let Stiles bind him with some long-ass chains. I followed behind Stiles who ever since he heard about what happened between me and Scott haven't uttered a word. He just wordlessly aimed his way towards the front porch with me following slowly behind.

I watched confused as he pulled out a key to Scott's house from his pocket. How does he have a key to Scott's house? If Scott would have given it to him I would have known. Because whenever he entrusted Stiles with something material he always consulted it with me because we both know how Stiles loses things on daily basis.

"How do you have the key?" I asked confused. Stiles looked over his shoulder, a bit surprised by my question.

"Oh, um, I had one made...um...I also have one to your house..." He muttered putting the key in the hole and opening the door. Okay, back up...he has a key to my house? Oh my god, this guy I swear.

We walked inside the house. Stiles pulled the key out and carefully shut the door. The house appears to be unnaturally quiet. For the fact that there is supposed to be a werewolf teen that will soon be turning it is almost scary.

"Scott?" Scott's mom's voice could be heard from the living room. Oh my, I thought she was at work already. She came into our vision wearing her nurse attire. So she is going to work after all. She gave out a sigh when she saw it was the two of us.


"And Macey." I grinned sheepishly at her and she gave out a breathy laugh. Her eyes then fell on the key in Stiles' hand.

"Key!" She pointed to it surprised. Yea, it tends to be surprising when someone just randomly has a key to your house.

"Yeah. I had one made, so..." Stiles tried to explain the situation, trying for it to not sound creepy but he wasn't doing such a good job.

"That doesn't surprise me. It scares me, but it doesn't surprise me." The duffle bag fell from Stiles' shoulder, letting out a rustling sound when it collided with the ground. Way how to not attract attention. "What is that?" Mrs. McCall asked nodding towards the bag on the ground.

Stiles and I shared a slightly panicked look. How are we supposed to explain this to her? Oh you know mama McCall we are just going to chain your son to his bed, not in a kinky way, so he won't kill half of the town. Yeah...that's not the right approach I guess.

"Uh, school project," Stiles answered for both of us. Melissa looked over at me and I nodded my head agreeing to what Stiles said.

"Mmm. Guys, he's okay, right?" You could practically see the worry on her face. She was worried about Scott. The boy wasn't exactly behaving like he used to. Not that we blame him but his mom doesn't know the reason behind it and it can be quite upsetting for her. Especially when she and Scott used to be so close.

"Who? Scott? Yeah. Totally." Stiles stuttered out. Shouldn't I be talking now? Cause Stiles seems to be more nervous than necessary.

"He just doesn't talk to me that much anymore, not like he used to." Mrs. McCall said sadly.

"Well, he's had a bit of a rough week. I am sure he doesn't mean to be pushing you away. Maybe he just needs time." I suggested gently.

"Yeah, yeah, I get it. Yeah, um...Okay, uh...Be careful tonight." She said, walking past us to get to the door while Stiles and I took a few steps towards the stairs.

Just friends (Stiles Stilinski) BOOK 1Where stories live. Discover now