This must be it!

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^^ their Van ^^

The four continued on their journey inside the run down building, only coming across a few infected here and then. But hey, they have yet to know if theres still more of those deadly things in this building as it was humongous.

"Whoever owned this must be dead by now" Perrie muttered as they walked in a dark, narrow and very very dirty hallway.

"I don't doubt it, this place is huge. They wouldn't get out in time"Louis said jumping over what looks like a dead person who probably shot itself to avoid turning as there was a bullet hole on its forehead, He grimaced.

Out of the corner of his eye louis saw a open backpack on the ground with Papers in it, he stopped for a moment picking it up, then joining the rest of his friends.

"Hey guys, look what i found" He chuckled.

"What is it?" Jade said walking back towards him as Perrie and Harry looked at him still cautiously walking forward.

"A map! Just what we need, nice job lou, I would probably go crazy if we keep going in circles" She took the map then reading it.

"Were almost there, Let's go!" She exclaimed as they started to walk faster.

~~~~"back at the Van"~~~

"Are the idiots here yet?" Dinah groaned for what looks like 5 times now as the rest of them sat in the van just a few feet away from the building, doing absolutely nothing. Well maybe just getting a few scares when theres a sound coming from the outside, but it was just a squirrel.

"Dinah i told you, just wait! I know they'll come out, i mean just look at it. That building is huge! We just have to wait a little longer and keep an eye out for those things" Lauren explained again for the fifth time to Dinah. Always to Dinah.

"Why do we keep calling them things" Niall asked putting his back against the wall of the van then putting his legs on Jesy's Thighs that she quickly swatted away.

"Yeah i agree, how about something cool like. Monsters, Z's or Zombies!" Camila exclaimed joining in on Niall.

"Mila, Zombies are fictional, this is real life. Besides even if i wanted to, infected sounds more realistic" Leigh-Anne said making both Niall and Camila pout.

There was another groan that they heard, making Lauren glare at Dinah.

"Hey! It wasn't me this time!" She said raising her hands looking scared by both Lauren's death stare and the Groan.

"Then who is it?! I swear to god, if i have to explain again one more time i-" Camila smacks a Hand over laurens mouth, muffling whatever she was trying to say.

"Shhhh, those things are here!" She whispered shout pointing to the tinted window.

Taking off Camila's hand Lauren shuffled closer towards the window only to Jump back as the infected person groans and walks aimlessly outside, she quickly moved back holding her pistol.

"Why are they here?! They are supposed to be no houses here!" She whisper shouted at Liam who was frantically Turning on the GPS in his hand.

"Shit! I don't know they must be just wandering around then ended up here!" He whispered back taking his gun out from the dashboard.

Ally looked back at the window seeing more Infected coming out of the bushes then walking aimlessly all over the place, she counted them quickly.

"Guy's there's 9 more of them coming towards us!" She squealed moving beside Dinah.

"Fuck! Everybody ready you're Weapons and don't make a noise" Lauren sternly whispered as the other's nodded.

She looked around the van, it was new and definitely not broken, if you were wondering what she was trying to find, she was finding the sun roofs hidden on the vans roof, as their group did hangout with the Lads before and went on this van so she knew there was one. A big one.

She stood up quietly, quickly running her hands on the Vans white roof in desperate to find the cover of the sun roof. she has an idea on how to kill the many infected outside.

Finally after her hand went to the middle of the roof it hit something, a small line seperating something from the rest of the roof she traced it and noticed its a square shape. Bingo.

She found the small circular white button then pressed it watching it as part of the roof  is moving to the opposite side making a subtle buzzing sound, when its done the group of singers shielded their eyes as the Sun Rays came beaming down on them from the sun roof.

"Lo! What are you doing?!" Dinah whispered at the green-eyed girl as she crouches back down on the seat.

"I have an idea, everybody put on you're gun silencers." She instructed still whispering as the others follow putting on the black tube on the nose of their guns to muffle the sound it makes when shooting but not really muting it so they have to be very careful, they all finished except for Camila. Who has a confused look on her face.

"No, no. Camz, that's not how you put it." she quickly whispered as the girl was going to put the black tube on the magazine area instead of the muzzle of the gun.

"You put it in here, to muffle the sound" she explained putting on as she nodded.


"Alright so, three of us will stand in the sun roof to shoot  some infected while the rest of you slightly open some of the windows to shoot one. Got it"she explained her plan.

"So, some of us have to poke their guns out the window?" Ally asked looking a bit nervous as Lauren nodded.

"Yeah, but don't worry just poke the muzzle of the gun out and just look through the window." She said finally as the rest nodded their heads quickly getting into position.

~~~~"back at the lab"~~~

"I swear to god, if none of these doors have papers in them i'm shooting it!" Jade exclaimed looking at another set of doors as they opened like 20 of them in the past minutes following what the map has but still non.

"The Map is supposed to be right! what the fuck happened?" She said opening another door but it just led to the janitors closet.

"Well, it does say here that this Map was made in 2014 and New rooms were added. so i think they probably forgot to add the new rooms in the Map.."Louis Said Still looking at the peice of Paper in his Hands, trying to figure out where the freaking room is so they can get out of here.

"Pissing Hell!"

"Wait guy's i-i think i found something!" Harry exclaimed after being quiet.

They all turned around to see harry looking at a wall.

"Haz, thats a wall.."Perrie deadpanned.

"No! That's not what i meant look closer" he said pointing to a tiny line-wait thats like a doorframe.

He traced it with his manicured finger after he did it shaped like a door.

A Secret room. This must be it!

A/n Hey guys! Thanks for reading my book this story has been on my mind for a while so i turned it into my very first book and i never thought people would read it and sorry if its complete shit, i'll still be continuing this story but this is just a thank you!


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