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"Hey Neil!" Lauren waved a guy as he entered the coffee shop. Neil Possolo. Furman nodded her head in greeting.

Neil is tall, skinny guy with a light skin and thin eyelids. His Asian and of Japanese decent. "Hey." He replied. He is one of Elara's closest friends and recent ex-boyfriend.

"How you doin?" Lauren asked. He shrugged "bad".

Furman was busy sipping her hot espresso when she noticed a pink crumpled paper on his hand. She eyed him carefully and asked. "What's on your hand?"

He looked down and remembered. "Ah yeah! I almost forgot". He continued. "I found this from the teddy bear El gave last year."

A note. Written: "Can't breathe."


Furman and Lauren went back to her office and discussed about the second note. Cryptic, but meaningful. As what they thought. But Furman seems to think that Neil is a possible suspect.

"Can't breathe…she can't breathe because of him! It's a possibility that he's abusing her."
She figured. "Why would she break up with him in the first place?"

Lauren replied. "That's sick, Camille! He's a good guy, I know him." She continued. "He's just not a very open person but he's a good one. Believe me."

Furman shook her head. "No! We must conduct further investigation on him. This right here-" she pointed at the second paper. "Is an evidence, and he found it on his teddy bear."

"That's ridiculous!". Lauren yelled.


Furman ran out of the coffee shop while talking to someone on the phone, then Lauren followed her.

Neil was busy talking to the cashier about his order. When Lauren came outside, she can no longer see Furman.

Oh her peripheral vision she noticed a shadow walking on the sidewalk with a suspicious action. She ran to follow the shadow near the dumps. She stopped when she noticed another pink note.

" Go get'er".


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