Ben 10 World....planing For Power

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Yo - normal talking
AAAAAA - tougths
Consume - angry / pleased
|Sup | - electronics


Well today îs a weird day



Like the dumbass i am i mixed coffee, energy drinks, beer, sugar and coicaine into one drink......

Then puț în a chug chug cup and drank it all în one go....

[buff gained!]
[ playing track "BFG division"]

3rd person pov

Mellon : SeNd mE În ByiAcH!

[for how long host?]

Mellon : I Dont knOw!
Fucking Blurishriafs horse?

[ very well]

With ???
Time period : Ben 10 original
Timeline difrence : Ben doesnt exist

A armored titan slowly watched as a small grey capsule fell into the worm hole

His ship was burning and în pieces but it wont be the end of him

HE narrowed his eyes only to see another portal open and a creature come out

IT was his size and spoke some giberish before it saw me and stoped....

Mellon pov

Î reconise this ship..... Its vilgax from Ben 10! THAT OCTOPUSS CHUTULU DOCTOR ÎS BACK YAY

ME : HeLLo BrOsKie
ITs chUtulU sTiLL în sEaSon

MY voice was shit and îm prețy sure I fucked the words so much

Back in 3rd person pov

Vilgax looked at The being Who seemed excited?
THAT wasnt any good...

IT turned to Black good before jumping on him

Vilgax strugles but has eventualy brougth on The front of the ship and crashing into a planets orbit the being seemed to be able to let him breath în space

Mellon :

(but louder and more agresive)

Vilgax couldt scream due to the thing restraining him only leaving the eyes exposed

Vilgax enterer the planet atmosfere along with his ship

The planet was Red and destroyed and the seemingly druged creature leaped into another worm whole but not before making sure he was stuck to The ship

With mellon

The creature landed în a weird place..... The begining for This multivere

Mellon : bada Bing bada boom
Where the fuck am i?

HE looks up and notices tha the îs în the hands of a celestial sapiens

Mellon being to intoxicated to think properly syas : HELLO GIANT GOD MAN WHERE AM I

The giant man didnt respond but rather emited the emotion of..... Indifrence

Mellon looked around to find the same scenery and both male and female celestial sapiens

New life as a simbiote..... OH DEAR LORD [DISCONTINUED FOR REAL THIS TIME] Where stories live. Discover now