WxD, A!MxD - Captive (Recommended)

391 13 7

Pairings: Wilford x Dark, Actor!Mark x Dark

Recommended by: Charasite21

//Trigger Warning: Minor Blood, Minor Violence//
His head was pounding.

That shouldn't have been his main concern, not at the moment, but there wasn't much else he could do.

Much else he could even see, for that matter.
He had gone to the office that morning, as he always did, and thought that he always would be doing. He'd been in the parking lot. His routine hadn't been broken, but he knew something was off. He could feel it.

He wasn't sure why he hadn't just gone into the building then.

He thought he had heard a voice. Something.

It didn't seem human.

To say he was confused was an understatement. There was nothing else around, after all, not that he could see. He chose to ignore it.

That was not what that thing had in mind, evidently, due to the sharp pain he felt on the side of his head shortly afterwards.
He could feel whatever was covering his eyes being taken off now.

His head still hurt from the impact of whatever hit him.

He wouldn't have been able to run away, even if he had the energy to. He'd been tied down by the ankles, with his arms bound behind him.

"Well, hello, my dear."

...Oh, how great. Of course it would be him.
Dark blinked up at him wearily, vision swimming. He'd be glaring, if he could directly see the person in front of him.

The man, the Actor, in his mocking red suit merely grinned as he watched the other struggle.

"My, my. Perhaps I overestimated you. If I'd have known you'd go down so quickly, I wouldn't have hit you so hard. I'll give you a hand."

Mark turned and picked up a damp cloth from the table beside him, in front of the chair he'd tied Dark to, humming softly.

He carefully put the cloth to the side of Dark's head, cleaning the almost dried blood from where his wound had healed.
There was a brief gap in time where Mark didn't say anything.

He just sat on his own chair, across from Dark, with one leg over the other, watching.

He let Dark get his bearings, humming and watching all the while.

Dark's vision eventually had gone back to normal, looking around. The room was completely black, other than the two beings and their furniture. Nothing gave him evidence of any other signs of life.
"Damien," Mark chirped, "I'm sure you're curious. I'm also sure that you're raving mad, but we'll handle one thing at a time today."

Dark bit down on the rope in his mouth, desperately trying to snap it with his teeth. Mark sighed in disappointment at the action.

"Now, Dami. Manners," he scolded lightly, "you are a guest in my home, you know. I thought you'd have learned better."

A growl rose from Dark's throat.

"I have a small proposition for you. I believe you'll be quite interested in it."
"In all honesty, Damien, you're not a bad guy. Not like what I need." He stated simply.

"I gave you a role that wasn't suited for you. What kind of friend would I be if I let that stand?"

"No, no. You're going to be something much more... Fitting."

"You will be my damoiseau in distress."

Dark looked up at him in confusion.

"It's the male term for damsel, you see. You will be my damsel in distress. That role is much better for you, wouldn't you say?"

"After all, what is a hero if there's nobody to save?"
"Ah, yes. The new villain." he scoffed, "I'm sure you're curious."

"Well, I know that you don't remember much, but I need you to think back a bit."

His voice turned to a low growl.

"We have an old friend that will do wonderfully in the role..."

"Who stole my wife, Damien? Who murdered me in my own home? Who dared to intervene in my wonderful show? Do tell me, Damien. You're quite... Familiar with him."

"You know who I'm talking about."
Three clear gunshots rang through the room.

"You called?"

The accent was all but gone, gun in his hands smoking, snarling behind the moustache.

"I think you have something of mine, Mark."
Dark rolled his eyes. What an amazing rescue.

"You're not going anywhere with him! We were in the middle of a conversation!"

"Conversation, shmoversation! You kidnapped him!"

"Well, excuse me if he wasn't just going to waltz right into my plan!"

"That should've been your first hint!"

"Oh, sure! Like you know anything about taking hints!"
Dark closed his eyes. Of course, if he knew anything, he'd have to get himself out of this.

At least Wilford had provided a distraction for him to do so.

"You're ruining everything!"

"Everything was already ruined! You're the one that made the plan!"

"This isn't how anything was supposed to go!"

"It wasn't going to 'go' anyway!"

Dark took a deep breath, hearing his bones cracking as he bent them over his head, resting them in front of him.

Being a demon had its perks.

"You just have to have a say in everything, don't you?! Leave us alone!"

"He's needed somewhere else, you know!"

"I had him first, wait your turn!"

Dark began to glitch, phasing in and out, his wrists coming out of the restraints. The rope fell uselessly to the floor, and he began to work on freeing himself from the chair.

"He's not supposed to be here!"

"And neither are you!"

"I'm here so I can get him out of here!"

"You'll find someone else! You manage to get everyone I love to leave me, give it a break for two seconds!"

Dark ripped the rope out of his mouth, growling, "Excuse me?!"

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