chapter three ; strücker? more like fucker

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Strücker's Laboratory
Location: Classified

"Nat, on your left!"

Dahlia called out to Natasha as she backflipped onto the roof of the truck, dodging a bullet and slicing the driver's throat.

Nat nodded and kicked a robot in the face as she continued to drive, Clint shooting arrows from the top of the car.

"Shit!" Tony swore through the comms, and Dahlia looked around for the iron-clad man, who had just bounced off of the base's force field.

"Language!" The audio crackled, revealing Steve's ridiculous comment.

Dahlia's face broke out into a grin, internally laughing as she kicked a soldier in the face.

"JARVIS, what's the view from upstairs?" Steve said, obviously trying to brush past his previous statement.

Thor landed about a yard away from her. "Loki's scepter must be here. Strücker couldn't mount his defense without it. At long last."

Natasha jumped out from the car and began to fight a few soldiers. She gestured with her hand, silently signaling for Dahlia to cover her back. The two fought in perfect sync, covering each other's blind spots.

"At long last is lasting a little long, boys." Nat grunted as she kicked a man inbetween the legs.

"Yeah, I think we lost the element of surprise." Clint panted, drawing yet another arrow out of his quiver.

"Wait a second. No one else is gonna deal with the fact that Cap just said 'Language'?" Tony said in disbelief.

"I know." A large explosion sounded along with Steve's comment. "It just slipped out."

"Sorry, Spangles, we'll be sure to watch our mouths." Dahlia teased.

"Oh, quit it, Anelace."

Tony was distracted by something JARVIS said to him through his suit, and nearly got trampled by three men, but Dahlia jumped in before anything bad could happen, fighting all three at once.

When she stepped away from the scene, there were three more bodies littering the forest floor then there had been previously.

In the distance, Dahlia could hear Natasha yell for her, and she made to move towards the sound, but a blue blur stopped her from doing so, knocking her to the ground.

A man who looked about her age appeared out of the blue (literally), and stopped right in front of her, grinning. If she wasn't about to seriously beat this guy up, she'd even consider him to be attractive, but the fight came first.

"You didn't see that coming?" The enhanced said, smirking cockily.

Dahlia scoffed in her head, before responding, "Oh, but I did."

An explosion sounded behind him, causing him to turn around in shock, giving her the perfect opportunity to knock him to the ground.

Using his super speed, he stood up extremely fast and the two started fighting hand to hand, her quick reflexes keeping her at the same pace as him with his powers.

"I find it's rude to fight someone without knowing their name." The anonymous enhanced said, grunting as he blocked her fist with his arm.

"It's not a date, buddy, I don't need to know who you are to kick your ass." Dahlia retorted, jolting her knee up to knock him square in the jaw.

"It's still a matter of politeness, darling, so could I get your name, or should I continue to call you darling?" The guy asked, his accent laced through his voice.

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