Chapter 4

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Harry and Hagrid walked silently down to the Hogwarts gates, each thinking about the events that had just happened in Dumbledore's office. They got all the way to the Great Hall before Hagrid uneasily broke the silence - there was no-one around as everyone was in classes. "Harry," he began hesitantly, "How much of the stuff you said to Dumbledore did you mean, cos I know he hasn't exactly helped you much this year but he's a great man, Dumbledore's a great man." Harry was quiet for a minute as he thought about how to respond to Hagrid, he knew the man's loyalty to Dumbledore was absolute. "Hagrid I know how you feel about the Dumbledore, but the fact is it's not just this year he hasn't helped. First year, who was it who got past all the obstacles, retrieved the Philosopher's Stone and fought off Voldemort - come on Hagrid don't shudder it's just a name - it was me who did all that! Me and without any help from Dumbledore I might add. Second year, he did nothing to stop you getting carted off to Azkaban and it was me again who had to kill the basilisk, fight off Voldemort, again and save Ginny. Dumbledore didn't do anything then either! And last year, he didn't do anything to help save Sirius or capture Pettigrew. Face it Hagrid, in the time I've been at Hogwarts, Dumbledore hasn't really lived up to his reputation as greatest wizard since Merlin." This time it was Hagrid who fell silent as he thought over what Harry had just said. "I can see where you're coming from Harry but Dumbledore's done a lot a for me over the years, I'm afraid we'll just have to agree to disagree on that subject. Harry frowned, after raising his eyebrows after hearing Hagrid's response, but nevertheless did not bring up the subject again and the pair proceeded to the the gates without further conversation.
The pair met Professor McGonagall in front of the gates, she was looking quite annoyed because the pair were a little late, due to the conversation they had had about Dumbledore. However here mouth, previously set in a thin, stern line relaxed and her eyes softened as she looked at Harry. "Potter, Harry" she begun, "Before I apparate the two of you to Diagon Alley I just wanted to say something to you. Firstly I want to apologise for the behaviour of my Gryffindors, I was so deeply shocked when I heard. But now, the crux of the matter." She breathed in deeply and shut her eyes before continuing, smiling softly at Harry as she did so.
"Your father Harry, when he was at Hogwarts was one of my favourite students, if I am allowed to have favourites. Partly because of his Transfiguration prowess, partly because of his antics on the Quidditch pitch for Gryffindor but mostly for the simple joy he brought to those around him who earned his friendship and respect. Incidentally, I believe Filius would have similar things to say about your mother. Now, I know the rules of the Tournament, you're not meant to receive any help in preparation for the Tasks but I would be delighted to offer you any assistance I am able to provide - and I'm sure Filius would as well - and I'm sure it could be swept under the rug due to the advanced ages of the other champions compared to you," she finished, still smiling at Harry.
"It's true what she said Harry," Hagrid chimed in. "I remember your parents at Hogwarts, everyone loved them."
Harry blinked, then blinked again, processing the words of his Professor. "I, thank you Professor. I'll definitely take you and Professor Flitwick up on your offer at some time." He paused, shyly looking up at McGonagall before continuing, "also, do you think you could tell me about my parents whilst we are having these lessons, I don't really know much about what they were like." Professor McGonagall felt her heart break at the simple, innocent request Harry had made and a tear threatened to spill from her eye. "I'd be honoured to tell you about your parents, and I'm sure Filius and Hagrid would be as well," Hagrid nodded in confirmation, gently smiling at Harry. "But now, let me apparate the two of you to Diagon Alley. I'll drop you off in front of the Leaky Cauldron and that should be fine. I'll tell Tom to send a message to me when you're done and you can floo back through my office." Harry nodded in gratitude and understanding, before Professor McGonagall placed a hand on each of their arms and the three of them disappeared with a crack.

Dumbledore sat back reflectively in his office as considered the events of the past few days. Having Harry's name come out of the goblet was fine, he was aware of Crouch Jr's plan but felt no inclination to stop it - the results would help mould Harry into the martyr he would need to be. After all, once Harry had sacrificed himself, Dumbledore would be able to take credit for Voldemort's final defeat, it was for the Greater Good. However it was the immediate aftermath of Harry's name coming out of the goblet that were slightly troubling. He needed Harry to be the perfect Gryffindor, as well as close to Ron and Hermione in order for Harry to remain loyal and dependent on him. Yet Dumbledore realised that no real harm had been done, as long as Harry was close to Hagrid all would be well, no problems would arise. Dumbledore nodded confidently as he thought about this, and relaxed back in his chair, sucking on a lemon drop as he did so, reassured that everything was going accordingly.

Harry, Hagrid and Professor McGonagall appeared in front of the Leaky Cauldron, the three briefly oriented themselves after the apparition - Harry had never travelled that way before and Hagrid's large size made it difficult for him - before they entered the pub. After a brief conversation between Tom the Barman and Professor McGonagall, the Scottish witch departed and Harry with Hagrid went through to Diagon Alley.
"Right Harry, first stop, Gringotts! Just like your first year!"
"It almost gives me Deja Vu, with you, talking to Tom and now heading to Gringotts," Harry replied thoughtfully. "You were my only friend then," his voice dropped sadly, " and it seems like you're my only friend now." Hagrid didn't quite know what to say in response to such a statement, and he settled for giving Harry another of his patented hugs, as he led the boy up the stairs and into Gringotts bank. Once again, Harry was awed by the sight, he hasn't been in over a year as Molly Weasley had done his shopping while he was at the World Cup. Just thinking about that event caused sadness to well up inside him again and he hurriedly fought away tears. He looked around the foyer of the bank; the grand pillars propping up the marble ceiling, the unmistakable figures of goblins as they sat at their desks, and of course the somewhat ominous rhyme that gave rise to the saying 'You'd be mad to try and rob Gringotts':
Enter Stranger but take need
Of what awaits the sin of Greed
For those who take but do not earn
Must pay dearly in their turn
So if you seek beneath our floors
A treasure that was never yours
Thief you have been warned beware
Of finding more than treasure there
An involuntary shiver ran down Harry's spine as he approached the nearest Goblin. "Hello, I am Harry Potter and I would like to access my vaults please." The goblin paused, unused to being greeted with such politeness and beckoned Harry and Hagrid to follow him. The pair followed the goblin through corridors and down mine shafts before reaching a blank, yet ornate door. The goblin went in first, telling them to wait outside. Harry glanced at Hagrid, but the man looked as mystified as he felt. Thankfully, the pair did not have to wait long as they saw the goblin that had led them there coming out, before a deep, booming voice commanded them to "Enter!"

A/N: Sorry for not posting in a while, I've been quite busy. Anyway, here's your reward for such patience, a slightly longer chapter! If you're reading this (and I can see a few people are which is great) please comment to give me your thoughts, particularly about chapter length.
Signing off for now...

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