Part 52

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Today's Monday Memes is gonna be a bit different! Mainly because I'm lazy as dog crap. I made some traditional art in my school sketchbook. This thing here.

It's OG Ele and RQ Ele! Tbh the nose on OG could be better but oh well

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It's OG Ele and RQ Ele! Tbh the nose on OG could be better but oh well.

I posted this on discord wondering if anyone would like to make it into a bigger meme! And well, they answered!! I'm really heart-warmed by the fact they actually cared (and made me look like less of an idiot to post are on a meme chat), so I wanted to show off what they made!!

WarriorDreamStarKitty, Mc Burnt Potato, 1toastytoast1, this be my shout out to you from wattpad!

If y'all want these taken down say the word I'm sorry I didn't ask for consent.

If y'all want these taken down say the word I'm sorry I didn't ask for consent

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Yup that's pretty accurate. He do be spoon feeding them videos.

 He do be spoon feeding them videos

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Absolutely. 100% true.

Light is so mature in RQ! At first I didn't like it, but I'm more content now

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Light is so mature in RQ! At first I didn't like it, but I'm more content now. Just don't be murdering people out of the blue again like with nightmare okay?

If y'all don't know who THE FavreMyMemers is look him up! He's a legend! Respect him!

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If y'all don't know who THE FavreMyMemers is look him up! He's a legend! Respect him!

and that's all we got!! Well they. I did nothing.

Bye bye!!

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