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Today was the trial of a boy named Kamado Tanjiro, and his demon sister Nezuko. (Y/n) was headed to the Ubuyashiki Estate, getting ready to face the rest of the Pillars and their attitudes. It was mostly Aiko's he was dreading, though he sucked it up, and put a smile on.

Once he got there, they all were huddled around a poor boy who was passed out on the rocks. Binds were on his wrists, keeping him from moving his arms entirely. (Y/n) had noticed something odd about the other Pillars... physically.

"WAKE UP! YOURE IN THE PRESENCE OF THE HASHIRA!" A Kakushi yelled in the boy's face.

(Y/n) walked up to the Kakushi, "Please be polite to him." He said firmly. He couldn't stand to see someone go through what he'd been going through... it was too much.

The Kakushi looked at him incredulously, "Who are you?" The Kakushi asked, not knowing who (Y/n) was.

(Y/n) looked at him dumbfounded, "I'm the Shadow Pillar." He stated. The Kakushi's eyes widened in realization, and immediately bowed himself to the ground, trying to go lower than the rocks.

"PLEASE FORGIVE ME (L/N)-SAMA!" The Kakushi cried pitifully, holding onto (Y/n)'s legs. (Y/n) just nodded his head, and gently pushed him off his uniform pants. The Kakushi let go, while the boy bind on the ground looked around confused.

"Who are you all?" He asked confused.

"We are the Hashira!" Uzui announced. Tanjiro just looked more confused, while (Y/n) sat down in the pebbles by him. Tanjiro took the time to look at the Shadow Pillar, who sat down next to him.

Tanjiro could smell his strong overpowering scent, it radiated kindness, though had an overbearing smell of sadness behind it. Though (Y/n) managed to smile at him, showing he meant no harm.

Tanjiro was about to say something when he started to cough, (Y/n) got worried and took out a gourd of water. He held it up to Tanjiro's lips, letting him most of the contents of the container.

"You must've been thirsty." (Y/n) chuckled. Tanjiro blushed sheepishly and nodded, and (Y/n) got kicked out of the way. Tanjiro's eyes widened when he saw this, and turned to glare at whoever did it. He only came to face a white haired (Pomeranian) male with no eyebrows. He had crazy looking purple eyes, that glared at (Y/n) as if hating his entire existence.

Tanjiro quickly to look at (Y/n), who got up from where he'd been kicked into the tree Obanai was resting in, and brushed himself off. He shook his head to stop the ringing in his ears, till os completely stopped. The other Pillars, minus Giyu, took no care to what happened to (Y/n), and focused on Tanjiro. An ugly cackle could be heard, making Tanjiro look to a girl. He could smell her jealousy and the pure pungent smell coming from her scent, making him wrinkle his nose in disgust.

"Why did you do that?" Tanjiro yelled, enraged the one kind person there had been treated like trash. He could smell the resentment coming from the other Pillars, though Giyu didn't smell like that. (Y/n) smelled genuinely like a kind person, it was a nice soft scent, that Tanjiro couldn't get enough of. Though sadly there was a hint of sour with the sadness in (Y/n)'s scent, though the soft smell overpower it... for now.

"That's none of your business." The pungent smelling girl spoke up. (Y/n) ended up going next to Giyu, who surprisingly looked at him in genuine concern. (Y/n) tried to smile at him to say he was fine, though his cracked ribs he felt, made it look more like a grimace. Giyu was about to say something, when they heard a grunt of pain.

They turned back and saw Sanemi stabbing a box, which they sensed was holding a demon. (Y/n) looked at Giyu questioningly, since the box looked familiar. Giyu shook his head as if so say no, and (Y/n) kept silent for now.

Timeskip since this part of the meeting is irrelevant in this book

The Pillars could be seen siting with the master of the entire Demon Slayer Corp. Though the Master didn't have the nice smile on his face, he looked a bit angry actually.

"Is there something bothering you Oyakata-sama?" Sanemi asked respectfully.

Kagaya took a deep breath, "There has been something brought to my attention." He answered. They all stayed silent and waited to hear what was concerning the master, "It seems you all have been pawning your missions off on (Y/n). I've also been getting reports of seeing you being openly rude to your fellow Pillar." Kagaya spoke firmly.

All the Pillars could be seen freezing up, while (Y/n) froze up for an entirely different reason. Obanai and Uzui turned to glare at (Y/n), and (Y/n) knew... he was done for.

"What makes you think this?" Aiko asked with a fake sweet tone.

"Let's just say I have connections." He explained vaguely. "Though I notice a shift in your auras... and not a good one. It has come to my attention you all are getting lazy. You need to stop cutting off your missions to spend time with Sakura here. I'm not against you all being friends, though overworking (Y/n) and passing on your missions is not the way to go about it." Kagaya was angry that (Y/n) had been treated like this in silence.

The other Pillars had nothing to say to this, since they knew it was the truth. They didn't regret anything they did, though still they said nothing.

Kagaya shook his head, as (Y/n) was fidgeting in his spot.

"What have you done?"

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