My Family

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This is our first parents' night at school with Alex in both our lifes. I met Alex about two years ago through mutual friends. After being together for almost a year, I introduced him to my son, Parker. I didn't want to rush things in case things between Alex and I wouldn't work out, like with Parker's dad who left shortly after the birth. That wasn't the case here though, I realised early in Alex and I's relationship that he was in for the long run.

When Parker and Alex first met each other Parker took a while to warm up and Alex understood that and took things slow.

Now, a year later we are all living together and they are the bestest of friends, Alex treats him like his own, with my permission of course.

"Everyone ready?" Alex yelled from the hallway.

"I'm comming, give me a second," I yelled from our bedroom while quickly grabbing my jacket.

"You've said that seven times now, mom," Parker yelled back, next to Alex.

I could hear them high-five each other.

I quickly ran downstairs, "Okay, I'm here, I'm here," I said, putting on my shoes and jacket.

Parker was fixing his hair in the mirror while Alex held him up so he could see himself. I rolled my eyes while grabbing my keys and walking towards the front door. "You've said that seven rimes now," I mocked Parker, tesingly.

Alex put the kid down and quickly fixed his own hair, "What? The hair is most important," Parker shrugged and I could see the smirk playing over Alex's lips. He had taught him well.

We made our way to the car and started our ride to Parker's school. It was Alex's first time at parents' night and my first time at parents' night at a school and not pre-school or kindergarten.

"I wonder if Jackson is going to be there," Parker mumbled.

I glanced at him through the rear-view mirror before looking back at the road, "He probably is," I answered.

"Alex," Parker started and Alex turned his head to look back at him, "I have a surprise for you when we get there," I could hear the smile in his voice.

I knew what the surprise was because we had talked about it a lot recently but Parker wanted to surprise Alex.

"Really?" Alex asked, "What is it?" He was curious.

Parker shook his head, "I won't tell," he said.

Alex turned back around and looked at me, "Do you know anything about this?" He asked.

I shrugged, playing dumb.

Alex shook his head while smiling.

We got to the school and Parker showed us into his classroom where we were met by Ms. Taylor.

"Hello, Parker," she greeted, watching Parker run off to his friends.

"Hey, Ms. Taylor," he yelled.

We all laughed, "And hello, Y/n and-" she trailed off.

"Alex Turner," he reached his hand out to greet himself.

"Alex, hi, I'm Ms. Taylor, welcome to parents' night," she smiled at us.

I smiled back, "Thank you," I said.

"If you'd like you can look around school, maybe Parker can show you around or you could look at all the photos from this year that are hung up on the hallway walls," she said pointing towards different stuff. We nodded and thanked her before she walked off to the next pair of parents that came in.

Alex Turner ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now