Dream or truth

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[scene: Paris]

Ladybug and Chat Noir just got finished with dealing with Hawkmoth's latest Akuma, both talked a little, Chat Noir looks down sad, Ladybug noticed this.

Ladybug: What wrong Chat Noir?

Chat Noir: It's a problem I have. I did something that ruined my friendship with one of my friends and now I don't know how to mend my friendship with her.

Ladybug: Well I think you should start with a "I'm sorry"

Chat Noir: Thank you Ladybug.

Ladybug: No problem.

Then both heroes went to their respective homes and changed back to normal. Marinette was now laying down on her bed getting some rest. As she fallen to sleep she has a dream.

[Scene change: Marinette's dream]

Marinette look around to see nothing but an empty void of nothing, she called out for anyone, their was no response. So she took a step forward then that when something happened. After taking 1 step thousands of stars lit up the empty void. She look under her to see the earth, then she was pulled down to earth, so she found herself at a temple that felt familiar and not at the same time, she walked inside to her shock, she see a statue of Abyss and Celestial. As she looks closer the purple and gold energy gathered in her hands. Marinette look at the energy then back at the statue, she noticed how she looks like Celestial and how (Y/n) looks like Abyss. She then turns around by the sound of someone behind her. She turns to see Celestial standing there with a shadow covering her face.

Marinette: Wait, Celestial?

Celestial: The day of waking is approaching young Marinette, when this day comes the past will be revealed and the power of the first two gods will be reawaken.

Marinette: Day of waking, past revealed, power of the first two... what are you talking about?

Celestial: You will understand in time.

After that Marinette woken up, she looks at the time, she got up and got ready for school. There she meet with (Y/n), both of them greeted and kissed each other. Marinette told (Y/n) the strange dream she had. (Y/n) told her he had the same thing but instead of Celestial it was Abyss. This left both of lovers confused by this. So both continued with school, everyone apologies to Marinette for what their did, she forgive them but she said she will never forget what their did. The rest of the day went on like normal...ish everyone was still scared of (Y/n).

Meanwhile Wayzz was talking with the rest of his siblings, Trixx and Pollen, all three missed their parents but know their will be back one day, but what shocked the 3 gods is Tikki and Plagg appears.

Pollen: Tikki, Plagg why are you two here should you be with your wielders?

Tikki: Well we got some new for all three of you

Trixx: Well what is it?

Plagg: Mum and Dad are back

Wayzz/Trixx/Pollen: Wait what?!

Tikki: Yeah however their memory has not yet returned but it's starting to.

Wayzz: So that why you two were at mum and dad's old temple

Plagg: correct. Nooroo and Duusu should already sense them as Duusu is god of emotions.

This made the 3 gods happy their parents are back so their just have to wait for the memories and power to return then their can get thei missing siblings back.

Back with (Y/n) and Marinette, both was at the park, they have taken all information that got and wonder

Marinette: Who or what are we?

(Y/n): we are still us even if we are something not human

Marinette know he is right their will still be Marinette dupain-cheng and (Y/n) (L/n) both kiss and hugged each other.

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