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Hermione's Pov

We sat in the corner of the library for a good half an hour, whilst Alexis told me everything. I had no idea what to expect, i didn't think it would be something so awful.

She cried the entire time, after every sentence she did nothing but apologise, i could see how upset she was.

I didn't even know what to say, i had a hundred different emotions going through my body; i was angry- furious that she kept this secret for so long but then i had to be realistic and think that she wasn't allowed to tell anybody.

Through all the anger and confusion that i felt, all i wanted to do was comfort her because she'd kept this in for so long and i knew it was a lot of stress for her to carry around day to day.

I pulled her into a warm hug, shushing her as she sobbed into my shoulder, she cried for ages until she finally croaked out. "I've only just got Harry back and now when he finds out the truth, he's going to hate me".

"Don't be stupid, Alexis- he's your brother, he could never hate you and besides this isn't your fault so don't blame yourself", i said reassuringly as i patted her hair.

She pulled away from me, her eyes puffy and red- i could see that if she lost Harry again then she'd totally lose herself.

"He hated me for years- our whole time here at Hogwarts, he hated me- you all did and for something that i couldn't even help and that's the same with this, i can't help who my father is", She sighed deeply as tried wiping her tears away but they all came flooding back out as she saw Harry and Ron walking into the Library.

She grabbed my wrist tightly and looked me deep in the eyes. "Please, Hermione- don't tell him yet, i'm not ready".

I felt conflicted, Harry and Ron were my best friends and i hated keeping secrets from then but then Alexis used to be my greatest friend and she had no one else to look out for her right now.

Ron and Harry bounced over, i was shocked to see that Ron wasn't eating and that for once his mouth was empty.

Harry rushed to Alexis, his face full of worrisome as he wrapped his arms around her shaking body.

"Alex..what's wrong? what happened?", Harry stressed as he hugged her tighter.

She looked over at me, her eyes were full of pain and hurt but then i looked over at Harry and i felt that he deserved to know the truth.

Neither me or Alexis, replied to Harry for a while because we didn't know what to say but then Ron interrupted saying that he's bored and he wishes for us to hurry up.

"Please, just tell me what's wrong", Harry sighed.

"Everything's fine, right Hermione?", she said as she glared at me.

"No, everything's not fine-

She glared at me again but this time there was more anger behind it.

"I mean, she's feeling a little poorly- that's all".

Alexis smiled at me before mouthing 'Thank You'.

"Well maybe, we should take her to Madam Pomfrey-

"No need, i got a little too upset that's all but i'll be fine- no need to worry Harry", She smiled.

"Well, i'm your brother- i'll always worry".

I felt a sense of awkwardness and both me and Alexis eyed each other at his comment, i think she was hoping i'd still keep my mouth shut.

"Well, we should all get going- class starts in five minutes", I demanded as i made everyone stand back up.

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