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Wally was super excited to have his powers back. After running everywhere wally decided to get a snack. While he was looking for food in the fridge he yawned.
"Wow it must be getting late." he said to himself.
Wally decided to check the clock. It read 11:55.
"Wow, its that late."
Wally grabbed a banana and ran to his room. He sat done on his bed peeling the banana and laid back. 'today was a good day' he thought finishing up his banana. Wally closed his eyes and slowly drifted off.
Wally walked around mount justice. Then all of a sudden the sound of Nightwing's voice came on the speaker.
"Mission, report to the living room."
Wally super speeded to the living room being the last one there.
'Dang it I'm always last' he thought.
"What's the mission?" Wally asked.
"Well there has been a report that a doctor has been kid napped by Icicle Jr. We need to find the doctor. And fast." dick said.
"Im always fast." wally said winking at Artemis.
"Oh grow up!" Artemis said smacking the back of wally's head.
"Ow!" Wally winced.
"Can we get back to the mission?" Dick asked.
"Uh ya lets go." wally said still holding the back of his head.
Once the team got in the bio ship, dick looked up the location of where the doctor might be.
After a couple of minutes, Dick broke the silence by saying "I think I found where the doctor is."
"Well where?" Wally asked.
"Gotham city. At the docs." dick replied.
"Why would IJ go there?" Wally asked.
"No idea but we better find out, and soon." Artemis said.

Once the team got to the location, Kaldur spoke up.
"Miss M link us up."
M'gann put her hands to her temple and thought ' link established.'
'Alright Ro-Nightwing, you, Artemis, and wally split up and come in on opposite doors.' Kaldur thought.
'Got it.' wally said.
'M'Gann, superboy, you will come with me to attack from the above.' Kaldur said.
'Ok split up.' Kaldur said motioning for dick, artemis, and wally to go.

Once wally, artemis, and dick got to the front of the building wally spoke.
"Ok ill go towards the front, dick you go right. Artemis you get.." Wally said before he saw artemis running towards the left said.
"Ya left I know!" Artemis yelled running to the door.
"Ok dick I guess it just you and..." Wally said turning around to find the right door closing.
"Ok i guess its just me." wally said.
As Wally walked in the warehouse a cool blast of snow and wind blew in his face.
'wow its cold in here' wally thought.'
'No, I thought it was Summer time.' Artemis said back.
Wally forgot about the link.
'Ill go back and get our winter stealth.' wally said.
'Good idea' Dick said in a shivering voice.
Wally super speeded to the bio ship and grabbed his and artemis' winter stealth before stopping and picking up Dick's he noticed it was his robin costume.
Wally grabbed it and super speeded back.
'I got your stuff' wally thought before he saw icicle junior standing in the middle of Dick and Artemis all tied up and frozen in place.
"Artemis!" Wally yelled! "Let my friends go!" He yelled again at IJ. Wally dropped the suits and super speeded to IJ only to trip over a big snow pile.
"Haha you are so insecure Kid Flash." IJ said.
"Your friends here are in trouble and you can't even stay on your feet. Your not even fast enough to save both of them, so which one do you chose." He said holding to two big knife like icicles against Dick and Artemis' back.
"No I can't chose." Wally yelled at him.
"Fine." IJ replied slowly piercing Artemis' back.
All wally heard was a piercing scream come from Artemis' mouth and tears running down her face.
"ARTEMIS NO!!" Wally said getting up and super speeding to her pulling out the icicle.
"Then I guess you chose." IJ said taking the icicle from his other hand and stabbing Dick all the way through his back.
The last thing wally saw was one single teardrop coming from Dick's eye before he dropped over and laid dead.
"No." wally whispered bending over crying into his hands.
Wally woke up drenched in sweat still crying from his dream.
Artemis was so tired she fell asleep fast. she dreamed that She walked around mount justice. Then all of a sudden the sound of Nightwing's voice came on the speaker.
"Mission, report to the living room."
Artemis walked to the living room being the second one there.
"What's the mission?" She asked.
"Just wait." Dick said.
Once everyone was there Dick started to talk.
"Well there has been a report that a doctor has been kid napped by Icicle Jr. We need to find the doctor. And fast." dick said.
"Im always fast." wally said winking at Artemis.
"Oh grow up!" Artemis said smacking the back of wally's head.
"Ow!" Wally winced.
"Can we get back to the mission?" Dick asked.
"Uh ya lets go." Artemis said turning around to face the door.
Once the team got in the bio ship, dick looked up the location of where the doctor might be.
After a couple of minutes, Dick broke the silence by saying "I think I found where the doctor is."
"Well where?" Wally asked.
"Gotham city. At the docs." dick replied.
"Why would IJ go there?" Wally asked.
"No idea but we better find out, and soon." Artemis said.

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