Chapter 31, Part C: Of Wolves, Lions, and Men (cont.)

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Once several of the lions departed, the small group walked back around the side of the building.

The lions did not follow, choosing to scatter instead around the estate.

Their master found their behavior puzzling;they were usually quite anxious to follow after him or the others. His usually inexpressive face darkened when he caught sight of the backside of a lion, disappearing behind a mound of snow. “What on earth is he doing?”

“I’d venture to say he is uprooting something,” came the dry response from the guildmaster who was not far behind him. “And I think he hasn’t been the only one.”

Maximilian had sharp words for the beast, who took one look at his master’s face before it ran off into the trees. The Count’s displeasure only became increased as he saw what Wilhelm Cadeyrn had said was true. His eyes surveyed what he could of the area that stretched back towards the road noting the signs of many different excavations. He turned back around, settling a hard look upon the young woman in his group. “Is this your doing, Miss Redley?”

Elanore, to her credit, did not falter under such severe scrutiny. “They were digging when I came out this morning for air. When I asked a few of them who had given them permission to do so, they laughed and ran away.

The fourth person in their party intervened. Edmund’s voice was equally stern as he addressed the lord. “I found out it was Galahad’s and Uwaine’s doing. I did not stop them for I presumed you knew nor would appreciate interference in your affairs.”

The young man’s sarcasm was not lost on the lord. Wolfram was careful to respond calmly, well aware that she would wish him to be civil. “While that is true, I don’t have the time to keep track of their constant activities. If you two would take a stronger direction as to their activities, it would help us enormously.”

Edmund and Elanore glanced at one another.

The young woman placed her hand on her companion’s arm. She spoke calmly to the Count.

“Of course. Did you want me to find out what they are up to?”

“For now, let me address this point and inform them of this shift.” He glanced sideways -- well aware that the guildmaster was still there, watching. He had requested that Edmund not be assigned to Cadeyrn’s responsibilities and knew very well that the guildmaster could still demand him back if he suspected malfeasance towards his hunter. “You all should go inside and warm up. I’ll let you know what I discover.”

They departed, leaving him standing at the treeline. Once the humans were out of sight, he returned to the abandoned hole and made a great show of studying the ground that had been turned over.

He knew Galahad and Uwaine had to be close by. He could see lions wandering around in his periphery as he inspected their handiwork. Occasionally he would catch one as they ran up looking to help him. When confronted about each hole, they would stammer or grin that they were not the lions he was looking for before running off.

Finally he lost his patience, calling for Gawain. The poor beast was more than happy to see his master, but was not rewarded with the pets and scratches he so desired.

Instead, Gawain bore the brunt of his master’s irritation after meekly informing him that Galahad and Uwaine were waiting to speak to the lord and his lady together.

The Count was displeased by the creatures’ defiance. “Now that is, of course, difficult! She is busy with the household affairs. The men from the guild still need to be settled properly and meals served. Of course we won’t be able to talk uninterrupted until well into the night.”

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