Chapter XII

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Rose was walking into a room that had taken her so long to locate. She saw the book and her eyes widened as she grabbed it.

She stood still and waited for something to happen, like a trap, but nothing happened.

"Lu! I-I found it! I've got the Codex Semper!" Rosamund called out as she clutched it close.

She only got a scream in response so she immediately took off running.

"Lucia! Where are you?!" Rose shouted, trying to find her friend.

Desperatation filled her as she raced through the caves. She took a quick turn and sprinted down a corridor towards where she heard the noise. She ran in and saw that Lucia was on the floor, clutching a book.

She was panting heavily and Rose quickly helped her up.

"What happened?" Rose asked immediately as she held Lucia's arms carefully.

"Arrows. They just all came out of the wall," Lucia breathed out as she calmed herself down.

"I got the Codex Semper," Rose replied which made Lucia raise an eyebrow.

Lucia glanced at the book in her arms. "Then what book did I get?"

"I'm not sure. Maybe there is two books to throw off anyone looking for the book," Rose concluded as she looked at the book Lucia was holding.

"Well then we will take them both. Come on. I don't want to spend anymore time here than I need to," Lucia said, putting the book in her satchel.

"Yeah. I wanna get home. I miss Quirin and Varian so much." Rose started towards the exit and Lucia followed by her side.

The two women left the cave and didn't look back, wanting to get home to their respective families. Research could come later. They were both home sick and worn out from their travels.


Elsa sat by the fire with Honeymaren as a baby reindeer rested his little head on her lap.

"I wanna show you something. May I?" Honeymaren started, motioning to the scarf that Elsa had lying on her lap.

Elsa gave a silent nod, letting Honeymaren lift a corner of the scarf.

"You know air, fire, water, and earth," Honeymaren started as she motioned to the snowflake embroidered on the scarf.

"Yes," Elsa spoke softly as she nodded.

"But look," Honeymaren continued as she pointed to the center of the snowflake. "There is a fifth spirit. There is even a myth that there is a being that is a bridge between us and the magic of nature. Someone capable of controlling all of the elements."

"So there's a fifth spirit? What does it control?" Elsa asked curiously.

"No one knows, but some say they heard it call out the day the forest fell," Honeymaren explained and Elsa sat up straight.

"My father heard it," Elsa remembered before turning her gaze back to Honeymaren. "Do you think that's who's calling Aquaria and I?"

"Maybe. Alas, only Ahtohallan knows," Honeymaren replied as she held up a hand.

"Ahtohallan," Elsa repeated gently. "Dive down deep into her sound," she began to sing.

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