How They Feel About Kids

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My opinion-

Also, side note, if you want kids that's great, and if you don't, 1, same, 2 that's great as well.


- He's 50/50 on them. He doesn't love kids, but he doesn't hate them

- Thinks he'd be a pretty ok dad

- Honestly would rather have kids later in his life than in the games or even before them

- Legit wants to do everything before having kids

- Only thought about how nice it'd be to have a family when he got with you.

- Honestly, more worried that his kids will hate him than anything

- "I mean... they're cute. But, I know they're troublesome. So let's make it out of here alive, return to the normal world, be financially and mentally stable, and we'll talk about it then. I wouldn't mind having kids with you... I think I like it the more I think about it."

- LOVES kids

- Wants kids so bad

- But is scared

- I mean, he thought about having kids before he met you, but being with you and everything really solidified that for him

- He thinks he'd make a pretty good dad, not gonna lie

- Is OK if you don't want kids, because it's your decision

- Only wants kids after both of you are for sure about it

- "I think you'd make a great mother. Even if that sounds weird. I respect your wishes in any case my dear. I've always thought about it, but it was just a thought in the back of my head, but with you... after being with you for so long, I really like the idea."


- Well, he doesn't exactly like kids

- He doesn't want kids

- Or so he says

- Thinks he'd be a terrible dad

- If you really want kids, he'll have to sit down and have a talk with you about it

- "It's not something I've ever thought about. I'm not... completely opposed to the idea. It's just... never thought I'd have someone to have a family with.  Or that I'd want that with."


- Hahahahahahahahahahahahahaha no

- Hates kids

- Doesn't want any at all

- Thinks they're little snot gremlins that get in the way( same )

- If you want kids, he'd ask you why you would put yourself through all that pain

- He thinks he'd be a shit dad.

- "(Y/N), think of having a kid like.... have you seen Niragi drunk? Yeah, that, but 10× worse, minus the psycho, and 40× the pain on your part."

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