Chapter 20 - Locked Doors

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"I don't think I'm ready, Nat," you mumble.

"Hush," Natasha scolds as she kneels in front of you, checking each little fastening on your utility belt. 

"I'm serious," you frown. "He's putting me up against Steve? That's not fair. He's a supersoldier. I mean, seriously how is that fair?"

"We fight aliens. And gods," she retorts. "I think a supersoldier is the least of your worries."

"I still think a supersoldier tips the scales," you frown.

Natasha chuckles and fixes the little latch keeping your tungsten handcuffs in place before standing, and placing a hand on your shoulder. "Would you rather go against me?" she grins, arching a brow. 

"Yes!" you huff, exasperated. 

"Oh, good!" Natasha says with a wicked smile as in one quick motion she pulls both of her pistols from her holster. "I have a new garrote I've  been meaning to try out."

"On second thought, no," you say, eyeing her guns nervously. 

Natasha laughs and holsters her weapons. "Relax, Y/n," she says. "It's not like you only get to field test once. You know that."

"Yeah, because it's already my sixth try," you grumble sourly. Natasha reaches out and flicks the edge of your ear with her finger. "Ow!" you hiss, stepping back and reaching up to where a small sting lingers. 

Natasha laughs. "Just take a few minutes and then come in when you're ready," she says, heading for the locker room door. "And don't worry so much. Tony already gave Steve a mild sedative. He's only at about 80% capacity."

"Which is still 80% more than a normal human being," you grumble.

Natasha reaches out and gives your cheek two playful, gentle smacks before heading for the door and slipping out, leaving you alone for a moment to collect your thoughts - and your focus - before this next field test. 

I can do this, you think to yourself. I HAVE to do this. I'm ready to go out on missions. excuses. Just get out there and do it this time. 

Taking a meditative moment, you let your hands float across your belt, making one final mental note of all the tools you have at your disposal. 

Knife. Baton. Super-soldier strength handcuffs. Military grade mace. 

You chuckle to yourself as the mental image of macing Steve plays through your head. You quickly shake it away. You wouldn't ever really mace him. 




Tony's voice floats through the door as two loud knocks startle you out of your meditation. 

"I'm coming! Geez, relax!" you shout back. 

But Tony is already gone. So you roll your shoulders and crack your knuckles one more time before throwing the door open and strolling out onto the training floor.

"Oh man," you groan, noticing how Tony has set up the floor for this field test. Last test, he made you try to knock Clint off balance from raised beams on the ground. This time, he's constructed a forest of hanging heavy bags. 

"FIGHTERS, IN POSITION!" Tony's voice rings out over the intercom. 

You glance over at the benches by the door, your face flaring with mortified heat as you realize every single Avenger has come to watch. Natasha gives you a small wave as Steve strolls across the room, taking his place at the edge of the mat. Clint catches your eye and winks, miming the act of pulling back on an arrow, and letting it go straight at Steve. 

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