T w e l v e

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• A Summer Romance •

Song ⚓ : Want U Back - Cher Lloyd

I woke up and was on my bed. The last thing i remember was crying to Sarah.. Hmm where is Sarah ? I walked out of my room and started going down the stairs.

I had a hugeee headache ( Lol i Really Do idek why ? ;o ) I went to the restroom and popped in 2 advils and went to the Living room.

Sarah was on the couch texting away, like there was no tomorrow. She looked up at me for a second then looked back down.


"Hey who you texting ?" I asked she looked kinda mad

"Alex. He's mad because i won't let Austin Come see you."


I got up and grabbed a box of Frosted Flakes from the pantry, and poured me some in a bowl.

I got my bowl and sat on the other end of the couch and just watched what was on tv which was Jersey Shore.

I laughed as Pauly and Vinny were making fun of what they call a "Guido Tool Bag"

"Oh , Oh Shit Louis ! Louis ! Louis You're Going To Get All The Girls , I'm Guna Fucking Fist Pump Til My Fucking Arm Falls Off !"

They started fist pumping this is my favorite part

"Fist Pump Like This Louis ! Aww You Hit Me In The Eye Louis ! What The Hell Have You Done ?! Don't Fist Pump Next To My Eye ! Pffft ! FPC Eh Fist Pump, Push Up ,Chapstick" I laughed so hard I spilt out my milk.

Sarah just looked at me like 'Wtf are you serious ?'

I turned my attention back to the Tv where my 2 favorite people in that house continued to make fun of those people with their FPC dance.

Soon after Sarah put down her phone and watched Jersey shore with me. Then there was a knock on the door.

"I'll get it" I said putting down my now empty bowl and picking up my pinky fluffy blanket. I wrapped it around my body and made my way to the door.

I opened the door and saw Austin there. My smile turned into a frown at the sight of him.


"What do you want ?" I said with attitude.

"I cam to apologize" he had the saddest look on his face as if someone had just died.

Sarah got up and walked to my side.

"Why are you here ?"

"I came to say sorry to Zaelynn here." We both looked at him to go on.

"During playing beer pong I blacked out. The last thing I remembered was Robert making it in one of out cups and after I drank it i guess thats when I blacked out. And I'm sorry if I said anything that hurt you like the fact that I said nobody wanted you there and for you to go back home... I lied thou because I wanted you there even if Nicole or Anybody else didn't. I was wrong when i said nobody wanted you there. I'm so so so so so so so sorry Zae, and If you're still mad at me I don't know what else to do but i'll think of something because i can't stand the fact that you're mad at me. I just don't want to lose you. You're my best friend in the entire world. And I love you.."

At first I was soo mad at him but when he said he was so so sorry I softened up. That really meant a lot. Espically when he admitted when he was wrong. It takes a lot for a guy to admit he's wrong cause they love to be right.

They both looked at me waiting for an answer out of me.

I took a deep breath and let it out.

I looked at Sarah and she nodded. Letting me know I should forgive him

".. I forgive you.."

And thats all that took for him to get a big smile and a hug from him. He picked me up and spun me around. Then put me on the floor and gave me a kiss on my forehead.

"Thank you so so so much ! Now on to the next thing. You're really with Derek again ?"

"Austin, don't start again. I just forgave you."

"I'm sorry but you know how I don't like him. I ju- I just always this vibe and weird feeling when he's around.."

"Are you gay ? Do you like Derek ?" I questioned him with the o_O On my face.

"WHAT ?! NO ! Like I feel like if he's using you like for sex or for a bet or to make someone jealous.."

"Well I can asure you he's not."

With that Austin came inside and sat on the couch between me and Sarah watching Jersey Shore.


Dun Dun Dun !

Lol Jk I Kno i Hadn't Uploaded But I Had Semester Tests Last Week And i Had To Take All Of Them Cause i Missed A Lot Lol And Yea I've Been Busy , But I'm Sorry And i Hope You Likey Likey (; Lol



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xx - Kayla ∞

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