Chapter Eighteen: KB's in trouble

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" I've already watched this one though" I groaned.

" Stop being a let down and just except the fact that we are watching this!" Tom spoke, rolling my eyes.

" You know, keep being mean to me and I'll just spoil the whole thing" His eyes glaring into mine, deciding not to say anymore. Smart boy.

Trixi turning to glare at me. Hitting me slightly on the shoulder, as Tom smirks towards her.

I hate to say, they are getting on too well for my liking...

We are currently sat down on the sofas. Tom, Tyler, and Xavier all sat on the sofa on the right of me as Cashe, Dante and Calum sat on the one to my left.

Me, Trixi and Dylan sitting in the centre one. As Red lay asleep underneath my legs. I ordered a bed for him, so it should come in a few days.

As for Matthew's, he so dearly wanted to be here, but tragically he had to leave for an important meeting about the progress of his mechanical project as well as some type of fix to do..

Glancing towards my right to see Dylans hand around Trixis shoulders as they watch as the movie begins.

If they start dating, I'm going to refuse to be the third wheel. It just isnt happening..

Looking back towards the screen as my phone begins buzzing.

All eyes went to me as I look towards the caller ID.

" I'll be a minute" Standing from my seat, as I could feel eyes still on me as I opened and closed the door.

" Hey" I whispered, walking away and towards the stairs. The moon being the only source of light in this dark hallway.

" Octavia, something happened to KB" As my heart stops for a few seconds.

" What do you mean, what happened?" Making my way down one set of stairs before sitting down.
My head in my hands.

" He went to meet with a potential seller for materials but he never came back, it's been a whole day Tavia!" Worry clear in his voice.

Eventhough we hate the guy, we literally grew up with him. We know his every move and visa versa.

We care for him to say the least, in our own deranged way...

Plus the fact that he can literally kill us both aswell as all the mechanicals if we just leave him their to die.

If hes in trouble that is..

" I'm coming back" Rising from my position.

" No dont, its probably nothing. I dont want it to end up being nothing and you getting a rollicking." Trying to reassure me but failing miserably.

" I dont care, I'm coming back" Walking up the first set of stairs.

" No dont, why did I tell you" He muttered, making me pause.

" Dont do that Ash. It's good that you told me. We can sort this out together and I can get back in no time" Continuing my way up the stairs.

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