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After dropping Grace off, I went back to my apartment. I still couldn't shake the feeling that someone in the mafia was coming for me, and that those guys attempting to kidnap Grace was a warning.

I sat down on my sofa, phone in hand. I couldn't just call my dad, could I?

It's not like I had his number. Wait.

I unlocked my phone, scrolling through the contacts. P: Papa.

I smiled to myself then dialled the number.

On the first ring, he picked up.

"Buona sera mi figlia, to what do I owe this call?" came his voice. [translate: good evening my daughter]

"Papa, some men were chasing my friend today. She called me in fear and I had to save her from these people. Was this your doing?"

"No, Lucía, I didn't send any men to chase your friend. Did you see what they looked like?" he asked, concerned.

"They all had ski masks on but one of them had sleeve tattoos and they all had this tattoo on their necks. It was a flaming skull." I replied.

"Mija, I know who they are. Don't worry about it, I'll deal with them. For now you just get some rest. I need you tomorrow."

"Okay, papa. Let me know the address and I'll be there."

"Assolutamente no, I will send a driver. 9:00 AM sharp. Okay?" he sternly told me. [translate: absolutely not.]

"Va bene, I'll be waiting." [translate: all right]

"Dormi bene bambina." he said, yawning a little. [translate: sleep well baby]

"Good night papa." I laughed, hanging up.

I picked myself off the sofa and strolled into my room. Tired, I stumbled into the bathroom and brushed my teeth as well as doing my night routine.

With that, I flopped onto the bed and pulled the covers over me. Instantly, I fell asleep, and the Sandman came to look after me.

8:00 AM

I rubbed at my eyes, surprised that no bad dreams came my way. I rolled out of bed and went to brush my teeth.

As I was doing my morning routine, there was a rapid knocking noise that made me drop my moisturiser.

I pulled the hair tie from my hair and walked to the front door in a long sleeve shirt and shorts.

I opened the door and a large figure stumbled in front of me.

"Lucía, where have you been?!" a high pitched voice came. Shit.

"Mom, it's good to see you too." I said as the woman barged into my house, followed calmly by my "dad" and my "sister".

"This place is an utter pit, haven't I taught you to look after your room?" my dad scolded me.

My mother started rearranging things and my dad shuffled through the magazines I had on the coffee table.

Mom kept mumbling, saying things like she had to find out where I was from many of her connections whilst my sister and ex just roamed around.

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